Blog Carnivals
Certain, select articles from my site have been submitted to be featured on Blog Carnival.
You should swing by there and take a look at Blog Carnival.
It's really an unbelievably cool site.
OK, I'm going to give a shot at explaining this all to you.
It's not as difficult as it might sound, in fact, its really simple as you can see once you actually go there.
I think you'll be glad you did.
The way it works is that you are able to browse a large list of subjects set up into what they call "Blog Carnivals".
A Carnival is a group of related articles from various blogs on the Internet.
First, a person decides to take on the task of reviewing articles that are sent to a certain Carnival.
They then select the best articles out of the ones that are sent to them.
This moderator will eventually end up posting his own article along with a list of links leading to those "cream of the crop" articles on the same subject.
You can then click whatever title sounds good to you and be whisked around the World Wide Web to see these top articles for yourself on some of the best blogs out there.
When you first sign in you will see a link to browse carnivals and, if you would like, you can sign on to head up any vacant carnivals that interest you.
There are so many of them that you can be sure to find some that you like.
That way your article will appear on the first page and you can link your site to it, if you have one.
And the best part is, it's all FREE.
You should swing by there and take a look at Blog Carnival.
It's really an unbelievably cool site.
OK, I'm going to give a shot at explaining this all to you.
It's not as difficult as it might sound, in fact, its really simple as you can see once you actually go there.
I think you'll be glad you did.
The way it works is that you are able to browse a large list of subjects set up into what they call "Blog Carnivals".
A Carnival is a group of related articles from various blogs on the Internet.
First, a person decides to take on the task of reviewing articles that are sent to a certain Carnival.
They then select the best articles out of the ones that are sent to them.
This moderator will eventually end up posting his own article along with a list of links leading to those "cream of the crop" articles on the same subject.
You can then click whatever title sounds good to you and be whisked around the World Wide Web to see these top articles for yourself on some of the best blogs out there.
When you first sign in you will see a link to browse carnivals and, if you would like, you can sign on to head up any vacant carnivals that interest you.
There are so many of them that you can be sure to find some that you like.
That way your article will appear on the first page and you can link your site to it, if you have one.
And the best part is, it's all FREE.