Reasons a Cesarean Section is Needed
A Cesarean section (C-section) is when a baby is delivered through an incision made in the stomach and uterus.
There are several reasons why a pregnant woman may need a C-section instead of having a vaginally delivery.
It is not recommended, though that this type of delivery be done unless one of these reasons is present, as there are more complications with this type of birth than with a vaginal birth.
There are types of C-sections: planned and emergency.
A planned C-section may happen for quite a few reasons: oThe baby is in a breech or transverse position.
If a baby has not turned by around head down by around 38 weeks, a doctor will schedule a surgery for anywhere from 39-40 weeks.
oMultiple births.
Twins many times can't be delivered vaginally and therefore C-section is scheduled.
Triplets and quadruplets always delivered in the surgical room.
oIf you have had a previous Cesarean sections and your doctor doesn't feel comfortable allowing you to deliver vaginally.
oAn infection like HIV or a sexually transmitted disease may cause a woman to have to have a surgical delivery to prevent transmission of the disease to the baby.
oProblems with the location of the placenta as in placenta prevail, which is when the placenta covers part of the cervix, making it dangerous for a vaginal delivery.
oThe mother or the baby has a health condition that may make the stress of the vaginal birth a risky move.
The other type of a C-section is an unplanned or emergency one.
This happens when a woman has no signs of needing surgical interference with the delivery until a problem arises during labor or late in the pregnancy.
Here are some reasons why a woman might need an emergency C-section.
oThe baby goes into distress during labor.
If the baby's heart rate drops too low or is too fast, an emergency C-section will be done for the health of the baby.
oWhen labor stalls completely, many doctors will order an unplanned C-section.
This is when the cervix stops dilating and the baby does not move down the birth canal anymore.
Most doctors will give several hours if the baby does not show distress and if there is no change, they will order surgery.
oIf the mother has a genital herpes outbreak when she goes into labor or when her water breaks, a C-section is necessary to prevent spreading the infection, which can be deadly, to the baby.
oIf a prolapsed cord (the umbilical cord comes out of the cervix) happens, a C-section needs to be done immediately as that can cut off the supply of oxygen to the baby.
oOther health concerns that may warrant an emergency C-section are low amniotic fluid, placental abruption, and meconium in the amniotic fluid.
A Cesarean section is major surgery, which is why most doctors will not perform an elective one without having a major reason behind it.
They take more time to recover from and also have more complications than a vaginally delivery.
If you have any questions about Cesarean sections, ask your doctor.
There are several reasons why a pregnant woman may need a C-section instead of having a vaginally delivery.
It is not recommended, though that this type of delivery be done unless one of these reasons is present, as there are more complications with this type of birth than with a vaginal birth.
There are types of C-sections: planned and emergency.
A planned C-section may happen for quite a few reasons: oThe baby is in a breech or transverse position.
If a baby has not turned by around head down by around 38 weeks, a doctor will schedule a surgery for anywhere from 39-40 weeks.
oMultiple births.
Twins many times can't be delivered vaginally and therefore C-section is scheduled.
Triplets and quadruplets always delivered in the surgical room.
oIf you have had a previous Cesarean sections and your doctor doesn't feel comfortable allowing you to deliver vaginally.
oAn infection like HIV or a sexually transmitted disease may cause a woman to have to have a surgical delivery to prevent transmission of the disease to the baby.
oProblems with the location of the placenta as in placenta prevail, which is when the placenta covers part of the cervix, making it dangerous for a vaginal delivery.
oThe mother or the baby has a health condition that may make the stress of the vaginal birth a risky move.
The other type of a C-section is an unplanned or emergency one.
This happens when a woman has no signs of needing surgical interference with the delivery until a problem arises during labor or late in the pregnancy.
Here are some reasons why a woman might need an emergency C-section.
oThe baby goes into distress during labor.
If the baby's heart rate drops too low or is too fast, an emergency C-section will be done for the health of the baby.
oWhen labor stalls completely, many doctors will order an unplanned C-section.
This is when the cervix stops dilating and the baby does not move down the birth canal anymore.
Most doctors will give several hours if the baby does not show distress and if there is no change, they will order surgery.
oIf the mother has a genital herpes outbreak when she goes into labor or when her water breaks, a C-section is necessary to prevent spreading the infection, which can be deadly, to the baby.
oIf a prolapsed cord (the umbilical cord comes out of the cervix) happens, a C-section needs to be done immediately as that can cut off the supply of oxygen to the baby.
oOther health concerns that may warrant an emergency C-section are low amniotic fluid, placental abruption, and meconium in the amniotic fluid.
A Cesarean section is major surgery, which is why most doctors will not perform an elective one without having a major reason behind it.
They take more time to recover from and also have more complications than a vaginally delivery.
If you have any questions about Cesarean sections, ask your doctor.