How to Install a Rear Spoiler on a Car
- 1). Move the vehicle into a lighted area. Make sure you have masking tape, a screwdriver, a drill with a 1/4-inch drill bit and a punch. Open the trunk of the car and look under the truck door. Remove the hard fabric board that makes up the underliner of the trunk deck. It covers the framework of the trunk door. Use a screwdriver to pop out the retaining clips and set them aside.
- 2). Place the rear spoiler base up to expose the fastener holes and adhesive strip. The adhesive has a protective covering that will remain in place. The two plastic alignment tabs that come with the rear spoiler need to be taped in place with the centering hole inside each fastener opening. These tabs allow you to center the rear spoiler and tape it in place to place the drill hole correctly. When the plastic alignment tabs have been taped in place, turn the rear spoiler over and center its position on the trunk door in its mounting position. Each alignment tab should extend out the top and bottom of the spoiler from underneath. Once the rear spoiler is centered, tap the alignment tabs down to the trunk door.
- 3). Pull the rear spoiler away from the trunk door so that the alignment tabs are left stuck to the trunk. The tape that held the tabs in place pulled away from the spoiler allowing the tabs to remain. These tabs are where the holes need to be drilled to secure the spoiler to the trunk door. Use a punch to push through the alignment tabs and mark the trunk door surface. Be sure to leave a mark on the door before removing the alignment tabs or you will have a problem lining up the holes.
- 4). Remove the alignment tabs from the trunk door and drill a hole that will average 1/4 inch. Check with the instructions or measure the fasteners and fastener holes to be sure the hole is not too big or too small to allow the screw to secure the spoiler to the trunk door. Drill both punch marks through the trunk door. Lift the trunk door and look from underneath through the open spaces on the under deck to reach the holes through the door.
- 5). Pull away the protective covering from 3 inches on each end. Have these loose ends available after you begin to tighten the spoiler to the trunk door. Lay the ends out the top and bottom of the spoiler after it has been seating in position. Use a screwdriver to screw the fasteners into the rear spoiler through the space of the truck door. This is not the easiest task because the space is open and too far to use a hand to keep the screw on the end of the screwdriver when starting the screw. Tighten the screws into the spoiler tightly.
- 6). Close the trunk door. Pull away on the ends of the protective covering to the adhesive strips and press the spoiler down along the full length of the rail. Open the trunk again and check to be sure that the screws are firmly set and that everything is finished. Replace the inside deck lid cover of fabric board using the original retainer clips. Close the trunk door and enjoy the new style you've just added to your ride.