Search Marketing: Going Local With a Social Networking Profile
Search marketing, local-style.
To many Internet marketers these words would seem crazy.
Why concentrate on local keywords when they don't generate as much traffic as their more generic counterparts? It almost seems to be a waste of time...
or is it? In reality, if you want to go local with search engine marketing you're making a good choice, despite what anyone says.
This is because you can hone in on your audience, getting to know them personally.
This is especially the case if you use social networking sites in your campaign.
So, how can you use social networking while still doing search marketing, local-style? First, join a social networking site like Facebook or Twitter.
Spend time optimizing your profile with local keywords.
For example, if you have a business in Maryland, all of your keywords should relate to Marylanders, whether it's optimizing your content with the terms with areas right in the state or areas surrounding the state, (such as DC or Virginia).
Just doing that will generate traffic from locals who are interested in finding things to do or buy in their area.
Next, you want to include lots of pictures of yourself and your business.
The former is especially important...
maybe even more important than pictures of your business.
Why? Well, when doing search marketing, local-style you want to become friends with your potential clientele.
The last thing you want is for them to think of you as a businessman.
So, by including pictures of yourself personally, you say to all those in your area that you're more than just a business...
you're a person; a person who's just as interested in friendship as anyone else that's a part of the network.
Anyway, after you post your pictures, consider posting videos both of your business and your personal life.
Show videos that tell the story of both yourself and your business.
Again, this is to help connect with your clientele personally.
Remember, the more videos you have, the more your clients can get to know you BEFORE they actually meet you in person.
In conclusion, don't be scared at trying to do search marketing in a local way, especially if you integrate a social networking profile into your advertising.
Just keep in mind that when you're finished with your profile you'll still need to do the things that make search marketing great, such as article marketing and link-building.
Remember, your profile doesn't replace these efforts; it just enhances them because it shows the real you.
To many Internet marketers these words would seem crazy.
Why concentrate on local keywords when they don't generate as much traffic as their more generic counterparts? It almost seems to be a waste of time...
or is it? In reality, if you want to go local with search engine marketing you're making a good choice, despite what anyone says.
This is because you can hone in on your audience, getting to know them personally.
This is especially the case if you use social networking sites in your campaign.
So, how can you use social networking while still doing search marketing, local-style? First, join a social networking site like Facebook or Twitter.
Spend time optimizing your profile with local keywords.
For example, if you have a business in Maryland, all of your keywords should relate to Marylanders, whether it's optimizing your content with the terms with areas right in the state or areas surrounding the state, (such as DC or Virginia).
Just doing that will generate traffic from locals who are interested in finding things to do or buy in their area.
Next, you want to include lots of pictures of yourself and your business.
The former is especially important...
maybe even more important than pictures of your business.
Why? Well, when doing search marketing, local-style you want to become friends with your potential clientele.
The last thing you want is for them to think of you as a businessman.
So, by including pictures of yourself personally, you say to all those in your area that you're more than just a business...
you're a person; a person who's just as interested in friendship as anyone else that's a part of the network.
Anyway, after you post your pictures, consider posting videos both of your business and your personal life.
Show videos that tell the story of both yourself and your business.
Again, this is to help connect with your clientele personally.
Remember, the more videos you have, the more your clients can get to know you BEFORE they actually meet you in person.
In conclusion, don't be scared at trying to do search marketing in a local way, especially if you integrate a social networking profile into your advertising.
Just keep in mind that when you're finished with your profile you'll still need to do the things that make search marketing great, such as article marketing and link-building.
Remember, your profile doesn't replace these efforts; it just enhances them because it shows the real you.