How to Do Lying Straddle Splits in Yoga
- 1). Lie down on the mat and raise both of your legs overhead. You can press your palms against the floor to steady yourself as well as giving your legs that extra boost and support when you’re lifting them.
- 2). Inhale deeply, then as you exhale, spread your legs apart, making a V formation.
- 3). Flex your feet so that the soles are facing the ceiling.
- 4). Support your legs, if necessary (they might feel a bit shaky) by grasping the outside of your lower thighs with your hands.
- 5). Return your legs to center and then repeat the V formation, once again holding as long as you desire.
- 6). Conclude the posture either by lowering the extended legs to the ground—you’ll feel quite a tug in your core (abdominal area) if you choose this method—or bend your legs, bringing your thighs to your chest and then extend your legs, lowering them one by one to the ground.