How Do I Unfasten a Diaper?
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Hands should be cleaned before and after diaper changing.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Wash your hands before changing the baby's diaper. This prevents bacteria from being transferred from your hands to the baby's skin. Use antibacterial soap and dry with a clean towel. - 2). Peel back the sticky tabs at the front of the diaper used to secure the diaper in the closed position. Fold the tabs in so the sticky tabs are stuck to the inside of the diaper. This prevents them from adhering to the diaper, the baby's skin or your hands during the process of changing the diapers.
- 3). Remove the disposable diaper, wiping any feces with the inner portion of the front of the diaper, moving from front to back. Wipe off the baby's bottom with wet wipes, put on a clean diaper and wash your hands again.
- 1). Remove the cloth diaper covering.
- 2). Slide your index and middle finger between the cloth diaper and baby's skin, directly beneath the spot where the diaper pin is secured. This protects the baby's skin from being accidentally poked when you remove the diaper pin.
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Diaper pins have secure closures so the pins don't open while the baby wears the diaper.BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
Open the diaper pin and slide out of the cloth diaper, ensuring you don't poke the baby or yourself with the pin. Stick the diaper pin in a bar of soap while changing the baby; the soap makes it easier to push the diaper pin in and out of the cloth diaper. Remove the other diaper pin in the same manner.
Disposable Diapers
Cloth Diapers