Renovation And Sod Installation Atlanta
Overseeding and renovation are similar processes for rebuilding a stand of turf, with one principal difference: With overseeding, seed is introduced into a growing stand of grass without killing the existing stand. Overseeding supplements the existing stand with a better grass. Renovation is a more complete sod installation Atlanta of the turf than overseeding. With renovation, the existing turf is killed with herbicide. Perennial weed problems may still remain with overseeding. But with renovation, all vegetation is killed and left in place to serve as a seedbed for the new stand. Why would homeowner renovate turf as opposed to overseeding? See if one can choose which methodoverseeding or renovationwould be more appropriate. The correct answers appear in the footnote: the turf is thin with a lot of bare ground showing. It is uniform in appearance but yellowish in color. Each spring and summer, disease reduces the stand even further. The turf is a conglomeration of coarse textured bunch grasses, fine bladed creepers, and an occasional noxious weed. It grows like hay when homeowner tries to green it up with fertilizer. The turf is no place for croquet. The uneven ground surface is pitted and heaving. Homeowner has had to shoot two of your polo horses who've twisted and broken ankles on it.
Renovation can be done anytime during the growing season. The best time to renovate depends on which grass homeowner is using: Cool-season grasses are best established in late summer to early fall. With warm-season grasses, early summer is preferred, to allow ample time for establishment before cooler temperatures arrive.
Start Sod installation Atlanta with the application of a nonselective, nonresidual, systemic herbicide (Roundup, Finale, or similar) to kill the existing grass. Soil fumigants (e.g., methyl bromide) have been used in putting green renovation, but their application is highly specialized and controversial; it's best to get an outside contractor to help. Contact herbicides that don't translocate to roots (Paraquat, for example) work poorly for renovation, allowing grasses and weeds to recover from rootstocks. Herbicides function best when applied to actively growing plants with ample green tissue. For maximum kill, irrigate the turf up until the time of spraying and beyond. Of course, don't irrigate on the day homeowner spray or homeowner will wash off the herbicide. But irrigation is important before and after spraying, especially in arid areas or during drought. Drought stressed plants don't take up foliar herbicides.
Renovation can be done anytime during the growing season. The best time to renovate depends on which grass homeowner is using: Cool-season grasses are best established in late summer to early fall. With warm-season grasses, early summer is preferred, to allow ample time for establishment before cooler temperatures arrive.
Start Sod installation Atlanta with the application of a nonselective, nonresidual, systemic herbicide (Roundup, Finale, or similar) to kill the existing grass. Soil fumigants (e.g., methyl bromide) have been used in putting green renovation, but their application is highly specialized and controversial; it's best to get an outside contractor to help. Contact herbicides that don't translocate to roots (Paraquat, for example) work poorly for renovation, allowing grasses and weeds to recover from rootstocks. Herbicides function best when applied to actively growing plants with ample green tissue. For maximum kill, irrigate the turf up until the time of spraying and beyond. Of course, don't irrigate on the day homeowner spray or homeowner will wash off the herbicide. But irrigation is important before and after spraying, especially in arid areas or during drought. Drought stressed plants don't take up foliar herbicides.