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Prostate Enlargement The prostate gland is the male organ that produces semen, the milky-colored fluid that nourishes and transports sperm during ejaculation. It sits beneath the bladder and surrounds urethra, the tube that drains urine from the bladder. When it becomes enlarged, the prostate can put pressure on urethra and cause difficulty in passing urine. Most men have a period of prostate growth in their mid- to late 40s. At this time, cells in the central portion reproduce more rapidly, resulting in prostate gland enlargement. As tissues in the area enlarge, they often compress the urethra and partially block urine flow. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the medical term for prostate gland enlargement. Treatment of prostate gland enlargement depends on the signs and symptoms and may include medications, surgery or nonsurgical therapies. Prostate gland enlargement is not related to the development of prostate cancer. The commonly experienced symptoms of BPH as follows:
  • Weak urine stream
  • Stopping and starting while urinating
  • Dribbling at the end of urination
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Increased frequency of urination at night
  • Urgent need to urinate
  • Not being able to completely empty the bladder
  • Blood in the urine
  • Urinary tract infection

At the time of birth, the prostate gland is about the size of a pea. It grows slightly during childhood and then at puberty undergoes a rapid growth spurt. By age 25, the prostate is fully developed and is about the size of a walnut. Changes in the ratio of male hormone (testosterone) and female hormone (estrogen) levels in men may stimulate the prostate to grow. Another possibility is that with growing age the prostate gland becomes more sensitive or responsive to normal levels of male hormone and grows more rapidly. The main risk factors for prostate gland enlargement include aging, heredity and geographical origin. Prostate gland enlargement becomes a serious health threat only if it interferes with our ability to empty bladder. A bladder that's continuously full can interfere with our sleep, it can cause recurrent bladder infection or result in kidney damage. Men who have an enlarged prostate are at increased risk of:
  • Acute urinary retention (AUR)
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Bladder stones
  • Bladder damage
  • Kidney damage

Any treatment for prostate gland enlargement is not a preventive treatment for prostate cancer. With your regular treatment for BPH you must go through the regular prostate gland examination screen for cancer. Making some changes in your living habits can give relief in the symptoms of BPH which are as follows:
  • Avoid taking beverages in the evening.
  • Reduce intake of caffeine or alcohol
  • Reduce dose of diuretics
  • Avoid taking decongestants or anti allergic drugs
  • Attend your call for urination whenever there is urging

Role of Homeopathy in Prostate enlargement or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia:
Specific homeopathic remedies which are known to act on prostate gland are found helpful in reducing swelling and obstruction of urethra. This action of homeopathic medicine helps in reducing the symptoms of BPH. Patient experiences better flow and less strain at urine. Constitutional treatment with homeopathic medicine may help in restricting the progress of the complains. Homeopathic medicines are safe and do not warrant any side effects. Homeopathy can not revert the swelling of prostate of long standing cases. But initial stages have shown good hope in complains of prostate enlargement.

 Homeopathic medicines for Prostate Enlargement:
Conium Maculatum / Digitalis Purpurea / Ferrum Picricum / Hydrangea Arborescens / Iodium Purum / Kali Iodatum / Melastama Ackermanni / Pulsatilla Nigricans / Sabal Serrulatum / Selenium / Solidago Virgaurea / Staphysagria / Thuja Occidentalis

Wellness Homeopathy Center

Dr Harshad Raval MD [Homeopathy]
Honorary consultant homeopathy physician to his Excellency Govern.of Gujarat India.
Qualified MD consultant homeopath Physician,
25 years experience in Homeopathy field
Member of nominee advisory committee (Govt. of Gujarat).
International Homeopathy Advisor,

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