How to Install a Roof Rack
- 1). Open the cover on the end of the roof rack mounts and turn the provided lever counterclockwise to loosen the hooks that secure the mount to the factory roof rack.
- 2). Open the bolt cover on the top of the mount and loosen the bolt using an open-end wrench. This is the mount where the tubing for the roof rack will go through.
- 3). Insert the bar through two of the roof rack mounts, making sure they're pointing towards each other and not away.
- 4). Repeat this step for the other two roof rack mounts and tubing.
- 5). Place the rack onto the roof and place the roof rack mounts on top of the factory roof rack. The mounts have an angled end which should sit against the top of the factory roof rack. Repeat this process for the other set of mounts.
- 6). Pull the two roof rack mounts apart so they are equidistant from each other. You should be able to adjust the distant between the two mounts depending on what type of roof rack you've purchased. Make sure not to install the roof rack directly above the factory horizontal mounts.
- 7). Pull back one of the tower mounts so that the hook on the mount that sits on the inside of the roof rack is tight with the factory roof rack. To secure it, turn the included lever clockwise to tighten the mount onto the factory roof rack.
- 8). Tighten the bolt at the top of the roof rack using the open-end wrench.
- 9). Repeat Steps 7 and 8 for each of the four roof rack mounts.