About Hoodia and Weight Loss
- Hoodia is a plant native to South Africa that resembles a cactus. It is used as a diet aid and comes in the form of a dietary supplement.
- Hoodia products claim to help dieters by lessening their appetite. It helps users stop overeating, which aids in weight loss.
- Some dieters find they still have a large appetite even after taking a Hoodia dietary supplement. This often happens because the wrong Hoodia ingredient is being used in the supplement. Hoodia gordonii is the only part of the plant that works.
- While there are several different kinds of Hoodia, the gordonii variety is the only one that can control appetite. Make sure this ingredient is mentioned on your Hoodia weight-loss product.
- While appetite suppression using Hoodia is helpful, it does not ensure success. Regular exercise and a healthy diet in addition to the supplement provides the best results.
What Is Hoodia?
Accuracy of Claims
Hoodia Gordonii
Additional Help with Weight Loss