WEB 3.0 :The Generation Next of Internet
Today in the era when Facebook user base is more than fourth highest populated country in the world. Internet is no longer a commodity it is becoming necessity. From the information sharing Internet has evolved now into the business, social and entertainment center of the World.
The initial Web 1.0 was about Web connectivity, mostly used for information sharing that too usually in textual formats.In the last decade we saw invent of Web 2.0, an interactive and social web facilitating collaboration between technology and people. It is the fundamental change both in how websites are created and, more importantly, how we interact with them. It focuses on several major themes, including AJAX, social networking, lightweight collaboration, social bookmarking, and media sharing; overall making the Web more and more interactive to the users.
So any guess what could be the Next Generation of Web? What is Web 3.0?
In my view it is the future of the Internet. It is semantic understanding of the terms by the search engines and social media. There is already a lot of work going into the idea of a semantic web, where all information is categorized and stored in such a way that a computer can understand it as well as a human. Many experts view this as a combination of artificial intelligence and the semantic web. The semantic web will teach the computer what the data means, and this will evolve into artificial intelligence that can utilize that information.
One of expert defines Web 3.0 as the first-generation Metaverse (convergence of the virtual and physical world), a web development layer that includes TV-quality open video, 3D simulations, augmented reality, human-constructed semantic standards, and pervasive broadband, wireless, and sensors.
Did you find above details go over head? Lets analyze it from a lay mans point of view. Currently internet is all about information in all the media, from textual, images to presentations and videos. Web has evolved to be more and more interactive to the users, but it still lacks the idea of understanding the search terms in contextual format.
Contextual: For example, if a banker is searching for a Bank on South cost, he is most possibly not looking for the River bank, rather is looking for a financial institution. Web 3.0 with its semantic understanding and also with the shared information based on the previous searches from the user, shall be able to present the contextual results per user basis.
Real-time: The concept of IP TV and live Web liners are part of the Generation next of the internet, where are the data and information are available in real time. Users shall be able to share view get details in real time.
Ubiquitous: With the advent of Smartphones and other smart devices from the house hold items like TV, freeze to microwave ovens now being connected to internet. We are bound to be always connected to internet one way or other.
GEO Location Awareness: The Web 3.0 is more apt for the mobile devices, apart from the traditional desktop devices. Geo location based data synchronization is the next big thing for the Internet. For example, if a person is searching to watch good movie and after that eating out at some nice cozy restaurant; previously he would have to search for dozens of sites to get the data for the movies in theater close to his location same way for restaurant. Now with the advanced searches, based on geo location he shall be able to limit the data only to his vicinity.
Sensors: With the multitude of devices now using internet, its becoming very important to determine the type of device and sense the requirements and type of data that would be useful for the user of the device. With the high technology sensors now smart devices are able to understand their requirements and are able to respond to the users based that. An example could be accelerometer or proximity sensor used in the smartphone devices.
Tailored UI screens: With the advent of new smart devices, its imperative to adjust the User interface screens according to the devices. Internet on its end is adjusting itself to present the data to the multitude of the device sizes.
Overall, we can say with Web 3.0, the user experience opens the door for another level of innovation in advertising and promotion. Now technology services have the ability to leverage not just the social graph data from Facebook, but even more real-time / real-world information. Our current location, weather, traffic, local merchants other friends nearby, how often we've been to this specific store or location are available.
Web 3.0 is bound to make tasks like our searches faster, easier and more contextual. Instead of multiple searches, we might type a complex sentence or two in our Web 3.0 browser, and the Web will do the rest. It allows the user to sit back and let the Internet do all of the work for them. Rather than having search engines gear towards your keywords, the search engines will gear towards the user.