Word of the Day: Centenar
La palabra del día:
el centenar
Pronunciación aproximada:
sen-ten-AHR (In most of Spain the c in this word is pronounced much like the "th" in "thin.")
a hundred or a group of a hundred
Había centenares de cadáveres y restos humanos esparcidos por el patio principal de la fortaleza.
There were hundreds of bodies and human remains scattered throughout the main courtyard of the stronghold.
This word is sometimes written (and pronounced) as centena.
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el centenar
Pronunciación aproximada:
sen-ten-AHR (In most of Spain the c in this word is pronounced much like the "th" in "thin.")
a hundred or a group of a hundred
Había centenares de cadáveres y restos humanos esparcidos por el patio principal de la fortaleza.
There were hundreds of bodies and human remains scattered throughout the main courtyard of the stronghold.
This word is sometimes written (and pronounced) as centena.
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