Ready to Accept That You Aren"t Getting Your Ex Back? If Not, Then Change What You Are Doing!
Are you trying to get your ex back and finding yourself at a point where you are ready to admit you're beat? Are you all set to accept the reality of living without your ex? But is it not too soon to give up regardless how awful things appear to be right now? Your situation is not hopeless.
About a year and half ago I was going through exactly what you're going through right now.
I had the same fears and was asking myself...
what next? Perhaps you are not succeeding in your effort at getting your ex back because you are doing the wrong things.
I know that because I've been there myself.
To bring back the heart of your ex back, you have to restore the attraction and magnetism into your relationship! Don't be so caught up in your anguish that all you can do is just beg, cry, and plead.
Even if you manage to convince your ex into coming back, this approach will by no means work in the long run.
Your ex may feel sorry for you, but take note that sympathy is not the same as attraction.
These are entirely different things, and even if you reconcile, soon you two will be breaking up again.
So how do you get him back in your life again? The best thing you can do is changing your approach.
The common mistake that every rejected lover makes, is trying to appeal to the conscious mind of his ex.
You always try to negotiate, prove, and reason out.
As a result, you fail.
Yes, this style will never work.
This is because our emotions are directed by our subconscious mind.
Logic won't work.
Love is a subconscious process, and when we fall in love it's not all logic that we need.
So quit repeating...
I can't get my ex back.
Be constructive.
If you want to get your ex back, learn how to arouse their subconscious mind.
It is the only effective way to recapture, and keep, your ex's heart.
About a year and half ago I was going through exactly what you're going through right now.
I had the same fears and was asking myself...
what next? Perhaps you are not succeeding in your effort at getting your ex back because you are doing the wrong things.
I know that because I've been there myself.
To bring back the heart of your ex back, you have to restore the attraction and magnetism into your relationship! Don't be so caught up in your anguish that all you can do is just beg, cry, and plead.
Even if you manage to convince your ex into coming back, this approach will by no means work in the long run.
Your ex may feel sorry for you, but take note that sympathy is not the same as attraction.
These are entirely different things, and even if you reconcile, soon you two will be breaking up again.
So how do you get him back in your life again? The best thing you can do is changing your approach.
The common mistake that every rejected lover makes, is trying to appeal to the conscious mind of his ex.
You always try to negotiate, prove, and reason out.
As a result, you fail.
Yes, this style will never work.
This is because our emotions are directed by our subconscious mind.
Logic won't work.
Love is a subconscious process, and when we fall in love it's not all logic that we need.
So quit repeating...
I can't get my ex back.
Be constructive.
If you want to get your ex back, learn how to arouse their subconscious mind.
It is the only effective way to recapture, and keep, your ex's heart.