How to Install the WordPress Audio Player
A lot of online marketers are using WordPress as their tool for business promotion, advertising, SEO, blogging, etc.
They owe their success to Word Press because it is a great software that marketers can make sites, where they can post articles regarding their businesses, they can create blogs to share information and ideas to people, as well as they will be able to rank in search engine with the help of this amazing software.
WP is not stagnant software since people get to use it over and over again.
In fact, majority of marketers know what WordPress is all about.
For this reason, the high demand of its users make WordPress think that they should continuously meet the demands and expectations of people.
Therefore, they opted for changes, and goes with the flow of the changes happening in the internet marketing industry.
One of these changes is the WordPress Audio Player, which pave the way to its awesome development.
A lot people become fascinated with this new WordPress feature.
Now, they will allow their users to place audios on their sites.
This is truly an effective marketing strategy because most internet users find website contents more interesting if they are not just plain-text contents.
People are naturally creative, so they would want to see creative things too.
A site with relevant contents, with additional music and videos on it is more remarkable that just a simple site.
A creative site is more interesting and unforgettable, and music could bring a big impact in making a site creative and friendly to visitors.
This WP audio player can be installed easily.
You just have to comply with the requirements and do the correct process to install the player.
Audio player requires WordPress 2.
1 or higher.
You can update your software if it is not 2.
1 or above.
The player is compatible with Adobe Flash Player 9 and above.
It needs Java Script to work.
It can be installed using the following browsers: Firefox 3 and above, Internet Explorer 6 and above, Safari 4, and Opera 10.
If you meet the requirements, you can now proceed in the installation process.
First, download the plug in zip file, then extract the file to your local hard drive.
Upload the folder of the player to your site in the wp-content/plugins folder.
Log-in to your WP admin and go to Plugins section, you must see the Audio Player in the available plugins, and then activate it.
Go to the "settings" or "options" for WP pre 2.
5 and click the player where you can configure the plugin.
After following the process of installation, you can now use the WP audio player to your site, and enjoy its great features that will indeed promote great traffic to your site.
They owe their success to Word Press because it is a great software that marketers can make sites, where they can post articles regarding their businesses, they can create blogs to share information and ideas to people, as well as they will be able to rank in search engine with the help of this amazing software.
WP is not stagnant software since people get to use it over and over again.
In fact, majority of marketers know what WordPress is all about.
For this reason, the high demand of its users make WordPress think that they should continuously meet the demands and expectations of people.
Therefore, they opted for changes, and goes with the flow of the changes happening in the internet marketing industry.
One of these changes is the WordPress Audio Player, which pave the way to its awesome development.
A lot people become fascinated with this new WordPress feature.
Now, they will allow their users to place audios on their sites.
This is truly an effective marketing strategy because most internet users find website contents more interesting if they are not just plain-text contents.
People are naturally creative, so they would want to see creative things too.
A site with relevant contents, with additional music and videos on it is more remarkable that just a simple site.
A creative site is more interesting and unforgettable, and music could bring a big impact in making a site creative and friendly to visitors.
This WP audio player can be installed easily.
You just have to comply with the requirements and do the correct process to install the player.
Audio player requires WordPress 2.
1 or higher.
You can update your software if it is not 2.
1 or above.
The player is compatible with Adobe Flash Player 9 and above.
It needs Java Script to work.
It can be installed using the following browsers: Firefox 3 and above, Internet Explorer 6 and above, Safari 4, and Opera 10.
If you meet the requirements, you can now proceed in the installation process.
First, download the plug in zip file, then extract the file to your local hard drive.
Upload the folder of the player to your site in the wp-content/plugins folder.
Log-in to your WP admin and go to Plugins section, you must see the Audio Player in the available plugins, and then activate it.
Go to the "settings" or "options" for WP pre 2.
5 and click the player where you can configure the plugin.
After following the process of installation, you can now use the WP audio player to your site, and enjoy its great features that will indeed promote great traffic to your site.