Purpose of Curb & Snaffle Bits
- Snaffle bits guide the horse directly and help them to learn how to react to the input given through the reins. It teaches the horse to position its head and neck correctly using direct input from the rider.
- Harnessed horse with curb bithorse image by Hubert from Fotolia.com
Curb bits can be finely adjusted. This allows a driver to control a set of horses with only one pair of reins by adjusting the pressure exerted by the individual horse's bits, rather than having to use different pairs of reins to manually adjust the pressure exerted on each horse's mouth. - Snaffle bits are ideal for pleasure riding.horse-riding in nature image by Ivonne Wierink from Fotolia.com
Snaffle bits are ideal for casual riding because they are gentle and direct bits and allow the rider to focus on enjoying his ride, rather than worry about the precise position and movements of his hands. - Curb bits allow a well-trained horse to be given subtle cues from minor movements of the rider's hands. The curb bit gives the rider the means by which to achieve the high level of refinement in control necessary in the discipline of dressage.
- Horse jumping often requires a snaffle bit.show horse jumper image by Clarence Alford from Fotolia.com
Hunter/Jumper competitions often require that the rider use a snaffle bit. Snaffle bits allow the rider to control the flexion of the horse's neck, which is important in hunter jumping.
Harnessed Horses
Pleasure Riding