How Do I Use Old Tea Bags?
- Soothe sunburned skin by adding several old tea bags to your bathwater. Place a wet tea bag on the skin for a few minutes to ease the sting of razor burn. Cover a boil with a wet bag of black tea to help it come to a head. Get rid of a wart by placing a bag of black tea on it for 10 to 15 minutes several times a day.
- Brew two tea bags in a quart of water and pour the cooled mixture over freshly shampooed hair for a natural conditioner. Rinse well or blot dry instead of rinsing to get red highlights.
Keep moist tea bags in the refrigerator and use to reduce puffiness around your eyes. This also will ease a headache. - Sprinkle dry herbal tea mixes over your carpet and vacuum up for a natural deodorizer. Place dry herbal tea bags in dresser drawers and inside shoes as sachets. Brew a quart of black tea and use to clean wood floors and furniture. Wipe on with a sponge or cloth, and buff dry.