How To Construct a Lucky Charm Bag
- 1). Draw a circle onto a piece of felt or velvet fabric. Make the circle with a diameter of 2 to 3 inches for a tiny necklace lucky charm bag or use a diameter of 6 to 8 inches for a larger bag.
- 2). Mark a dot on the fabric circle every ½ inch with each dot approximately 1 inch from the circle's edge.
- 3). Use a hole punch to make a hole through each dot on the felt. If you are using velvet, use the end of a sharp knife to make the holes. If you prefer, add grommets to the holes for a more decorative look. Place the grommet kit's metal disc underneath one hole. Insert a grommet into the backside of the hole and one through the front. Hammer the two pieces together. Do the same for the rest of the holes.
- 4). Cut a long piece of suede or satin cord. Thread the cord through the holes or the grommets in the circle. Once you have inserted the cord through each hole, tug on the cord to shape the bag.
- 5). Align the edges of the cord and cut it to the length you would like. Cut each end of cord to approximately 6 inches for a short clutch-type bag. For a necklace, make each cord between 16 and 20 inches long.