Organic Gardening Tips Everyone Should Be Aware Of
Taking your hobby of gardening an extra step and using organic materials, can be beneficial for the plants you grow, as well as, the environment! Instead of using pesticides and toxic weed-killing solutions, use natural alternatives like vinegar and soapy water. Read this article for more tips on organic gardening.
Try to turn your organic garden into a natural surrounding free from developmental noises. You can cover street noises by using something that has water features. This can be something like a waterfall or a pond with a fountain jet. Wind chimes are also great for masking sounds, along with bird feeders that can attract songbirds.
To keep rodents, deer, and other pesky animals away from your organic garden, use organic repellents. A spray made from hot peppers can be effective. Otherwise try a spray containing urine or rotten eggs. Regardless of what you use, apply the sprays liberally and reapply regularly especially after a rain shower.
If you plan to begin your organic garden from seed, be sure to start well in advance of the gardening season. Start seeds indoors so that you will have established seedlings ready to put in the ground after the last frost. Follow the instructions found on the back of your seed packets to determine the appropriate time to start the seeds for your climate.
When planting new plants, make sure you know when the best times are to plant them in your organic gardens. Try planting your new plants during the late evening or during a cloudy day. These plants have a better chance of surviving if you plan them during cloudy days, in rainy weather versus dry, or in sunny weather.
Use compost to feed your crops. In organic gardening, compost is necessary for the survival of your plants. A home compost pile is a great, inexpensive source of compost. Many food scraps, grass, and dry leaves can be used in your compost. However, avoid cooked foods, ash, and animal waste in an organic compost pile.
While most novice gardeners mistakenly believe that any insect is a harmful insect, at least 98 percent of common insects found in the garden are perfectly acceptable, if not beneficial for most flowers, vegetables, and grasses. Beetles, spiders, praying mantises, ladybugs, and green lacewings should be welcomed in any garden as they devour the insects that harm your plants.
Grow basil successfully. Basil is an annual warm-season herb, very susceptible to cold and frost. Sow seed in spring at a depth of about 1/2 inch in full sun. Keep the soil evenly moist. When the basil reaches about 6 inches, pinch out the top to encourage bushy growth. Pick continuously before any flower buds open. Pick leaves in the morning after dew has dried, and don't over wash leaves, as you will lose the aromatic oils.
When building or maintaining a compost pile, it is important not to add coal ash or charcoal to the pile. Both ash and charcoal have high amounts of iron and sulfur, as well as other unwanted chemicals, that may pollute the soil and potentially harm the health of your plants.
When starting an organic garden, test the pH level of your soil. You need to know the pH level of your soil in order to choose the appropriate plants that will grow in it. For example, plants that favor an alkaline soil will not do well in acidic soil. Test kits can be purchased to test the pH level of your soil.
A great way to assure a successful organic garden year after year is to keep a gardening journal. You simply need to jot down what vegetables do well and those that don't, as well as certain pests or other issues that your garden runs into. By doing this, you'll know what to change or keep the same the following year, resulting in a gorgeous organic garden.
Coffee grounds and leftover coffee can be used to repel slugs. If you have an issue with slugs in your garden, you can repel them effectively with coffee. You can sprinkle coffee grounds on the soil around your plants or use leftover coffee in a spray bottle to spray the slugs directly.
Marigold flowers are quite the powerhouse in an organic garden. As their flowers and leaves decay, the marigold releases chemicals that attract frogs, repel snakes and kill nematode pests that attack many vegetable plants, including tomatoes. Look for ways to let the bright yellow marigold bring brilliant color and decoration to your garden, as it goes to work to protect the health of your plants.
You can maintain a garden without spending a lot of money on store-bought mulch or using pesticides on your plants. Anything that used to be alive is a great source for mulch, like leaves or kitchen waste. Remember the tips in this article, in order to maintain a great organic garden, without spending too much money!
Try to turn your organic garden into a natural surrounding free from developmental noises. You can cover street noises by using something that has water features. This can be something like a waterfall or a pond with a fountain jet. Wind chimes are also great for masking sounds, along with bird feeders that can attract songbirds.
To keep rodents, deer, and other pesky animals away from your organic garden, use organic repellents. A spray made from hot peppers can be effective. Otherwise try a spray containing urine or rotten eggs. Regardless of what you use, apply the sprays liberally and reapply regularly especially after a rain shower.
If you plan to begin your organic garden from seed, be sure to start well in advance of the gardening season. Start seeds indoors so that you will have established seedlings ready to put in the ground after the last frost. Follow the instructions found on the back of your seed packets to determine the appropriate time to start the seeds for your climate.
When planting new plants, make sure you know when the best times are to plant them in your organic gardens. Try planting your new plants during the late evening or during a cloudy day. These plants have a better chance of surviving if you plan them during cloudy days, in rainy weather versus dry, or in sunny weather.
Use compost to feed your crops. In organic gardening, compost is necessary for the survival of your plants. A home compost pile is a great, inexpensive source of compost. Many food scraps, grass, and dry leaves can be used in your compost. However, avoid cooked foods, ash, and animal waste in an organic compost pile.
While most novice gardeners mistakenly believe that any insect is a harmful insect, at least 98 percent of common insects found in the garden are perfectly acceptable, if not beneficial for most flowers, vegetables, and grasses. Beetles, spiders, praying mantises, ladybugs, and green lacewings should be welcomed in any garden as they devour the insects that harm your plants.
Grow basil successfully. Basil is an annual warm-season herb, very susceptible to cold and frost. Sow seed in spring at a depth of about 1/2 inch in full sun. Keep the soil evenly moist. When the basil reaches about 6 inches, pinch out the top to encourage bushy growth. Pick continuously before any flower buds open. Pick leaves in the morning after dew has dried, and don't over wash leaves, as you will lose the aromatic oils.
When building or maintaining a compost pile, it is important not to add coal ash or charcoal to the pile. Both ash and charcoal have high amounts of iron and sulfur, as well as other unwanted chemicals, that may pollute the soil and potentially harm the health of your plants.
When starting an organic garden, test the pH level of your soil. You need to know the pH level of your soil in order to choose the appropriate plants that will grow in it. For example, plants that favor an alkaline soil will not do well in acidic soil. Test kits can be purchased to test the pH level of your soil.
A great way to assure a successful organic garden year after year is to keep a gardening journal. You simply need to jot down what vegetables do well and those that don't, as well as certain pests or other issues that your garden runs into. By doing this, you'll know what to change or keep the same the following year, resulting in a gorgeous organic garden.
Coffee grounds and leftover coffee can be used to repel slugs. If you have an issue with slugs in your garden, you can repel them effectively with coffee. You can sprinkle coffee grounds on the soil around your plants or use leftover coffee in a spray bottle to spray the slugs directly.
Marigold flowers are quite the powerhouse in an organic garden. As their flowers and leaves decay, the marigold releases chemicals that attract frogs, repel snakes and kill nematode pests that attack many vegetable plants, including tomatoes. Look for ways to let the bright yellow marigold bring brilliant color and decoration to your garden, as it goes to work to protect the health of your plants.
You can maintain a garden without spending a lot of money on store-bought mulch or using pesticides on your plants. Anything that used to be alive is a great source for mulch, like leaves or kitchen waste. Remember the tips in this article, in order to maintain a great organic garden, without spending too much money!