Go Green : Save Your Health While Saving The Planet!
Vegetables, to be honest, don't usually find much favour among the foodies of the world. Pitted against yummy chocolate and vanilla recipes for dessert and even better tasting dishes for lunch and supper, the greens hardly find place on a teeny-weeny dish in the beginning of the meal. However, the true-blue diet freaks in the world beg to differ. Greens, according to them, have a huge role to play as far as health is concerned. On the other hand, that is something that everyone always knew! So what does it have to do with the joy of eating, which comes only with taste and smell and looks? Here, say the lovers of all things green, is where the twist is. Green lettuce and cabbages can also be totally awesome and hold a place of their own amongst the other delicacies, and a guilt-free one too at that!
In fact, according to many dieticians, a combination of healthy vegetables, a regular exercise regimen as well as regular intake of a well-balanced dietary supplement like Raspberry Ketone Pills is bound to work wonders for everyone aiming for a healthy and fit physique. Given below is a list of the healthiest and tastiest of vegetables to jazz up your diet routine:
Beans: These are some of the simplest to cook among vegetables, and can be incorporated into almost any dish. Rich in minerals and vitamins, including Vitamin C that is one of the primary substances used by the body to process fat, beans contain complex carbohydrates. These are fats that are easy to burn and provide a lot of energy.
Leafy vegetables: These kinds of vegetables, like spinach, lettuce and cabbages are great options when it comes to controlling appetite. These vegetables are extremely high in fibre and enriched with vitamins and minerals. They also provide lean protein, which builds muscles. This again, in turn, helps in the burning of calories by speeding up the process. Besides, being high on fibre content, leafy green vegetables also help ion keeping you fuller for a longer period of time. High fibre content is also responsible for making lean muscles. On the other hand, these vegetables can be tossed in a tempting salad dish easily by just adding some low-fat dressing or squeezing a lemon into it.
Lemons: Limes and lemons are extremely useful when it comes to dieting. Working much in the same way as Raspberry Ketone, lemons are high in Vitamin C, thus increasing the rate if metabolism significantly. Added to lukewarm water along with a dash of honey, lemons act as great fat-burners. Adding a whole lemon to any dish makes it a lot healthier than it is by itself, and a lot tastier too.
Cucumbers: Most well-known for their weight-loss properties, cucumber is a filling dish in itself. With a high water content, around four cucumbers sprinkled with lemon juice makes for a wonderful mini-meal that will keep you satisfied and going for a long time. Taken directly after a meal, cucumbers help in mobilising the fat content, thus forcing them to be burned faster to provide energy.
In fact, according to many dieticians, a combination of healthy vegetables, a regular exercise regimen as well as regular intake of a well-balanced dietary supplement like Raspberry Ketone Pills is bound to work wonders for everyone aiming for a healthy and fit physique. Given below is a list of the healthiest and tastiest of vegetables to jazz up your diet routine:
Beans: These are some of the simplest to cook among vegetables, and can be incorporated into almost any dish. Rich in minerals and vitamins, including Vitamin C that is one of the primary substances used by the body to process fat, beans contain complex carbohydrates. These are fats that are easy to burn and provide a lot of energy.
Leafy vegetables: These kinds of vegetables, like spinach, lettuce and cabbages are great options when it comes to controlling appetite. These vegetables are extremely high in fibre and enriched with vitamins and minerals. They also provide lean protein, which builds muscles. This again, in turn, helps in the burning of calories by speeding up the process. Besides, being high on fibre content, leafy green vegetables also help ion keeping you fuller for a longer period of time. High fibre content is also responsible for making lean muscles. On the other hand, these vegetables can be tossed in a tempting salad dish easily by just adding some low-fat dressing or squeezing a lemon into it.
Lemons: Limes and lemons are extremely useful when it comes to dieting. Working much in the same way as Raspberry Ketone, lemons are high in Vitamin C, thus increasing the rate if metabolism significantly. Added to lukewarm water along with a dash of honey, lemons act as great fat-burners. Adding a whole lemon to any dish makes it a lot healthier than it is by itself, and a lot tastier too.
Cucumbers: Most well-known for their weight-loss properties, cucumber is a filling dish in itself. With a high water content, around four cucumbers sprinkled with lemon juice makes for a wonderful mini-meal that will keep you satisfied and going for a long time. Taken directly after a meal, cucumbers help in mobilising the fat content, thus forcing them to be burned faster to provide energy.