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Rheumatoid Arthritis : Health & Medical
Arthritis Facts
Arthritis is an inflammatory condition of the joints that can at times disable the patient. The consequences of arthritis include joint disfigurement and constrained joint mobility.
Osteoarthritis - What Are The Causes And Can You Prevent Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is generally equated with a disease of wear and tear and old age. Although it does usually accompany old age, researchers have found that the cartilage in a joint with osteoarthritis is chemically different than a joint without the disease.
Cardiac Arrhythmias and Defects in Systemic Sclerosis
Early recognition of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders may be crucial in improving the overall prognosis of systemic sclerosis patients.
Knee Osteoarthritis
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of knee osteoarthritis including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Identification of Subpopulations With Characteristics of Mesench
Mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) from bone marrow are able to differentiate in various types of connective tissue, including cartilage, bone and adipose tissue. This led to more precise characterization of these cells by analysis of cell surface markers and differentiation related gene expression
Uricosuric Drugs: Once and Future Therapy for Hyperuricemia?
Promising new drugs could increase the renal clearance of uric acid and thereby provide better control of hyperuricemia.
Psoriasis, Bladder Cancer, and Fever: What's the Connection?
Dr. Jon Kay discusses an interesting case of a 55-year-old man previously treated for bladder cancer and psoriasis who is now presenting with fever and night sweats.
Cardiovascular Risks in Spondyloarthritides
Spondyloarthritides are associated with increased CV risks, partly due to traditional risk factors. This review discusses cardiac and vascular pathologies and potential overlapping mechanisms.
How to Get Gout to Subside - 3 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Gout
Suffering from agonizing gout? Here you'll discover 3 great natural remedies to get your gout to subside. You'll also learn why you need to take a more holistic approach to cure your gout.
What Is Icy Hot?
Icy Hot is a topical pain reliever which is available over-the-counter in several different formulations, including a patch, sleeve, cream, balm, spray, and gel.
Natural Cure for Arthritis - Arthritis Joint Pain Relief
First, I will outline the causes of arthritis pain and then look at possible treatments including a natural cure for arthritis. Arthritis pain is caused by many different reasons, including inflammation of the tissues that line the joints, the tendons, or ligaments around the joints, and muscle stra
Arthritis Treatment: Assistive Devices for Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and is characterized by progressive deterioration of joint cartilage. Cartilage is the gristle that caps the ends of long bones and provides shock absorption and gliding properties. OA is also characterized by decreased regeneration of cartila
What Are PPI Drugs (Proton Pump Inhibitor)?
Many arthritis patients who take NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) also take a PPI to counteract NSAID-induced ulcers. What are PPIs?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-Medications
Medication is often used to treat symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Medication may relieve swelling, inflammation, and pain in the wrist or hand.
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Basics
Learn more from WebMD about types of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, also called juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
Find the Right Doctor to Treat Your RA
WebMD offers tips for choosing a rheumatologist or other doctor to treat your RA.
The List of Tendinitis Cures
In this article we will discuss the different types of tendinitis cures. Some are alternative and some you can do at home, plus much more.
Qualifying for Social Security Disability With Arthritis
What are the problems you need to overcome receiving Social Security disability benefits?
Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment - What Should You Expect?
Psoriatic arthritis treatment is aimed at reducing the pain and the associated swelling. It also aims to maintain fluid and natural movement in the joints, which in turn helps to prevent any further damage. The treatment recommended by your doctor will depend on the severity of the condition, your r
Arthritis Medications: NSAIDs, Steroids, Narcotics, Topical Treatments, and More
Learn more from WebMD about various drugs used to treat arthritis, from NSAIDs to chemotherapy.