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Economics : Business & Finance

Structural Unemployment's Effects on the Economic Recovery

The unemployment rate coming out of the recession is still in the 9.7% range, and is expected to decline only slowly. One significant component of unemployment is structural unemployment, one example being that there are jobs that have been eliminated as some industries have shrunk, such as automobi

Our Economic Crunch, Does It Hurt You

Do you realize what an impound it would have if all the truckers stopped turning their wheels because they couldn't afford fuel. Without the truckers delivering the goods our world would actually shut down. It would be devastation worse than Osama Bin Laden caused with the Twin Towers.

Stock Market is Crashing - What You Should Do

Welcome to financial crisis round 2... the stock market is crashing... the world economy is going to hell... what can you do to help yourself and your family? At the very least you really need to know exactly what is going on.

Do Not Bet Against the South African Rand in 2010

South Africa's economy will face a challenging 2010. While South Africa is surviving the international economic disasters of the past 18 months, it has not remained unscathed. Many indicators point to a positive 2010. The 'science' of Economics is (in my opinion) first and foremost a

Wasn't it a Bit Like Now?

President Eisenhower once said, "Things are more like they are now than they ever were before"... years later, President Ford misquoted him. Mine that Bird could do for America today what Seabiscuit did in the 1930's.

The "Science" of Wall Street

In this moment of passing blame for the financial woes, there is one place that the average American has failed to look- Wall Street. We have been trained to believe that Wall Street and its pundits are the factual bellwethers of the current state of the financial state of America.

False Economies in a Recession

Daft things to do in a recession. It defies logic but, just when sales are difficult to come by, many business owners cut back on the very activity that delivers sales.

Pyrolysis Turnkey Projects

Pyrolysis is a revolutionary approach towards managing and reducing waste. Over 90% of waste management is possible in this process. The process emits no harmful substances into the environment. It can generate more sustainable energy.

Hangovers and the Cost of Paying the Tab

Since the foundation of our nation, our economy has gone through what are known in the trade as economic cycles. Although the general trend of growth was positive, periodically, for reasons not totally understood (but probably having to do with mass human psychology), we have experienced times of pr

The Law of Perpetual Discomfort

Do you remember when gas was only two dollars per gallon? It seems like only yesterday! Wait, it WAS only yesterday! But today, we face three dollars and, in some places, even more. I have a feeling that well never again see gasoline below two dollars. Its the Law of Perpetual Discomfort and its sis

Government and Big Business - The Cruel Taxes Conspiracy

The word "Taxes" can invoke feelings of fear and apprehension, such as not having a clue how to prepare an amended tax form, because the IRS said they refigured your 6 year old return and now you owe $10,000 instead of your expected refund of $400, which by the way, you owe back. On the ot

Will the Federal Rate Cuts Mean Lower Mortgage Rates?

The Federal Reserve continued their long string of lowering rates and recently lowered rates again. The question is "Will this reduction lower mortgage rates and help with the mortgage crisis?" The answeris "Not so much."

A Society Corrupted

The world today is driven by selfishness and greed. The sociological change in society has corrupted the modern world. Even the technological marvels of today has all but cemented the instant gratification mentality that has swept over societies, It is known that many of our values, the decorum, eti

7 Tips For Finding Stability in Unstable Times

This week the financial stability of the US seems to have shifted.Talks of a recession have changed to talks of a depression.The financial institutions in the US are failing and being bailed out by our government.However, our sense of stability does not need to come from the nightly news; it can com

How Can I Make Recession Benefit Me?

How Can I Benefit from a Recession? The standard description of a recession is when a nation suffers two significant, uninterrupted quarters of waning gross domestic product.However, non-economists feel that a recession is a combination of lower interest rates, higher unemployment statistics and ove

Another Bank Failure - How Many More on the Horizon?

The Fed closed down Ameribank a 102-year-old West Virginia bank on Friday. Ameribank, founded in January 1906 and had $102 million in deposits and assets of $115 million as of June 30 of this year. What is interesting that in 1999 Ameribank assumed $135 million of one of the largest bank failures of

A Second Class Citizen in One's Own Country

I have been in China for seven years as an expatriate and have made many Chinese friends over my years here. One issue that kept coming up, stoking flames of nationalism, is why foreigners are so much favoured over them locals. It is very, very difficult for many locals to understand why foreigners