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Economics : Business & Finance

Natural Gas Prices

The value chain of the gas industry consists of oil and gas exploration, drilling, gas processing, transmission and distribution, and the final end users such as residences and industries. After three years of stable residential gas expenditures, the forecast for this year indicates a rise of 40 per

The False Bush Economy

The fact remains, the bad news isn't over and can be underscored by the almost daily news of major US business after US business heading for bankruptcy.Our economy, through decades of mismanagement is now showing the signs of the real possibility of collapsing. This is serious and should not be

Do You Care Where Your $700 Billion Went?

The Trouble Asset Relief Program is well on its way to becoming an unregulated money pit. This short article discusses some of the troubling aspects that have arisen from the program.

History Repeats Itself

Time and time again we can draw parallels from what is happening today, to historical examples of the past. And although it's impossible for history to repeat itself exactly, there are indeed recurring themes, or more specifically conflicts, in the historical time line of mankind.We are current

Inflation in India

Inflation is defined as an overall increase in general price levels of goods and services within the economy. In other words, it is an increase in cost of living. Inflation is still the most neglected concept by the common man while building a retirement plan. Factoring the effects of inflation on y

Seven Simple Things That You Can Do To Help Improve The Economy

The reports of increasing energy and food prices, housing bubble, and the wearing of the U.S. Dollar in the global market is not actually new. However just recently, information came out that America has been stripped of its popular Credit Rating from tipple A. Now it stands at its new AA+ rating. A

GDP Recession - A Crucial Aspect Of The Current Economic Recession

One of the more frustrating facts prevalent today is the mainstream media's insistence that the country is, indeed, experience economy recover. Some have even stated that it has been ongoing for a year now. Yet, those of us on the ground beg to differ. Such pronouncements are nothing more than

Shipping Continues It's Downward Plunge

"Capesize Vessels" weigh from 175,000 tons to 400,000 tons and count as some of the largest craft in the World. They typically carry raw materials such as Iron ore, Steel, Coal and other raw commodities. Where you used to pay up to $230,000 per day to rent one, now you can have one for a m

A Friend Like Ben

The author addresses the pressures on the Federal Reserve to reduce interest rates, the impetus behind those pressures, and the likely results.The role and performance to date of Ben Bernanke is explored, as well.

Foreign Demand May Jeopardize Uranium Supply for U.S. Utilities

We discussed with Jeff Combs, the Ux Consulting president, from which countries future uranium supplies may come, and who is going after those supplies more aggressively. He warns about the risks and rewards of Kazakhstan and Mongolia, looks to Africa for supplies, and talks about Russias expansion.

Would You Pay Your Bank To Not Make You a Loan?

Currently there are about $1.2 trillion in "excess reserves" in the banking system, an amount held by banks above and beyond their reserve requirements (needed to "back up" their existing customer checking account balances.) Commercial banks are free to lend it out to their custo