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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Can exposure to radiation cause leukemia?
Each day our bodies are exposed to different types of radiation. Can this exposure cause leukemia?
Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Health Professional Information
Introduction to Risk-based TreatmentChildren with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are usually treated according to risk groups defined by both clinical and laboratory features. The intensity of treatment required for favorable outcome varies substantially among subsets of children with ALL. ...
Childhood Astrocytomas Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Patient Information [NCI]-General Information A
Childhood astrocytoma is a disease in which benign (noncancer) or malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the brain. Astrocytomas are tumors that start in star-shaped brain cells called astrocytes. An astrocyte is a type of glial cell. Glial cells hold nerve cells in place and help them ...
Kids Who Whip Cancer Face Heart Risks
Kids who beat childhood cancer are five to 10 times more likely than their healthy siblings to develop heart disease in early adulthood, according to the largest study to look at the issue to date.
Are There Really Breast Cancer Cures to Extend Your Lifespan?
Are there really breast cancer cures or are these treatments simply delaying the inevitable? Constant research and data has proven that chemotherapy, hormone treatment, or tamoxifen can all increase your lifespan and potentially get rid of the cancer altogether.
iPad Breast Exam Apps
You can get several free iPad apps to help you do your monthly breast self exam and remember to schedule your annual mammogram. Having an app on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod can show you the basic steps to breast exams as well as remind you not to skip this easy breast cancer prevention routine. Here
The Best Treatment for Grade 2 Breast Cancer
Doctors evaluate tumors on how abnormal they look and how they will likely grow and spread. They use a scale of grades 1 to 4 to establish the danger of the tumor. Grade 1 tumors still resemble normal cells and are the least aggressive, while on grade 4 tumors are the most severe. This system of gra
Here Are Some Unfortunate Facts About Our Current Orthodox Cancer Treatments.
Here are some well known facts about the cancer industry, who is controlling it and why we only have those 3 toxic treatments that are in place today. There are other ways to treat cancer that are more effective and non toxic but you won't be offered them as there's no profit in them.
Carbon and Platinum in Cancer Treatment
Many people know cancer firsthand, having had or currently experiencing a loved one suffering from the disease. Cancer is an all-encompassing illness that effects every level of one's life. As medical technology changes on an almost daily basis, so does cancer research, adding and manipulating cells
How to Tell if That Weird Spot is Skin Cancer
Skin cancer symptoms can include many different shapes, sizes and colors of skin lesions, or no visible lesions at all. Learn what signs to look for.
Professor Gordon Wishart - A Short Insight
A short insight into Professor Gordon Wishart and his work regarding clinical negligence breast cancer.
Advancement in Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Benefits to Cancer Patients in India
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a form of radiation therapy that focuses high-power energy (X-rays) on a small area of the body. The term radiosurgery is truly a misnomer. It is not a surgical procedure and ...
Dysregulation of MicroRNAs in Breast Cancer and Prognosis
Find out more about the capability of miRNAs to act as diagnostic, predictive, or prognostic biomarkers.
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of chemotherapy including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Alternative Cancer Therapies
There are very strong feelings surrounding alternative cancer therapies. There are frequent television snippets and online blogs bemoaning the deaths lost to alternative treatments used after well recognized medical treatments have been turned down by the patient.
Rumex Patientia - New Hope For Cancer Patients
Cancer continues to baffle the medical community. Cancer is a loose term which is used to define a process in which the cell starts to multiply rapidly and cause many unwanted effects in the body.
Breast Cancer: Risk Remains Years Later
Even early-stage breast cancer patients who complete five years of drug treatment have a significant risk for relapsing, new research shows.
The Management of Pain in Metastatic Bone Disease
In metastatic bone disease a multidisciplinary approach to treatment is often necessary because simplified analgesic regimens may fail in the face of complex pain generators.
Mesothelioma Disease - What You Need to Know
Mesothelioma disease is a kind of cancer which can be benign or malignant. A malignant kind of cancer is considered to be very hazardous and may even be, in most cases, deadly. This disease wreaks havoc on the external membrane that covers and offers protection to the heart, abdomen, lungs, and othe