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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
Things to Be Aware About If You Have Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma can occur in three parts of the body i.e. lungs in the form of pleural, abdomen in the form of peritoneal mesothelioma and in heart as pericardial mesothelima. Out all these three types pleural mesothelima is found commonly.
Virtual Colonoscopy: Who Should Get It?
Virtual colonoscopy may be an acceptable screening alternative to traditional colonoscopy for some, but not all, patients with a higher-than-normal risk for colorectal cancer, new research suggests.
Turmeric Cancer Treatment
Turmeric is a common spice in India that has become commonplace in many countries. Turmeric has several health benefits, including as a complementary treatment for some types of cancer.
Know the Facts About Mesothelioma
Thousands of new cases of mesothelioma are reported each year, yet many people do not understand the disease or its symptoms. The following paragraphs will discuss the facts about mesothelioma, its symptoms, and its treatments.
Advertising Your Benefit Fundraiser - Know Your Target Audience
You're putting on a benefit fundraiser for a friend or loved one who has experienced financial crisis through either an illness or accident and you want to know how to advertise the event. Here's how to do it effectively and efficiently as long as you remember the title of an old Rick Spri
Asbestos Removal Cost For Professionals
Asbestos is simply dangerous when it is airborne. For that reason, anytime removal is considered, one must first detect on the condition of the asbestos that is present. Once it has been established by a trustworthy company, and then by a second company for added testing, that the asbestos is posing
Which Treatment For Prostate Cancer Is Best?
After being diagnosed with prostate cancer, a patient has to decide on the correct treatment for prostate cancer.
Are Your Granite Countertops Safe?
They are beautiful and durable, but do those pricey granite kitchen countertops so popular with home builders and renovators also pose a health risk?
Review: Genetics and Colorectal Cancer Development
Cancer research - free full text. Role of APC and DNA Mismatch Repair Genes in the Development of Colorectal Cancers. December 2003.
BRCA1/2 Defects and DNA Damage Repair in Breast Cancer
Learn more about the frequency of BRCA1/2 defects among different breast cancer subtypes, and the ability of the HRD scores to identify breast tumors with defects.
The Post-Chemotherapy Cancer Patient - A Growing Patient Population
A cancer diagnosis is terrifying. The questions, the fear and the concept of facing their own mortality are enough to paralyze even the strongest individual. In the not so distant past, the standard was surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation or some combination of the three and that was it. What patien
Check Out The Different Cancer Treatment Options Available
Cancer can be of many different types. In the recent days, with the immense progression of medical science, some kind of Cancer Treatment has been effectively found, but when cancer is detected in the
Lung Cancer - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Lung cancer claims more lives than any other type of cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this disease killed 158,599 men and women in 2006 alone. Not only does lung cancer attack a very vital part of your body, but it can also develop without showing any symptoms. Th
Can I Drink Energy Drinks to Fight Cancer Fatigue?
Energy drinks are all the rage these days. One reader asks if he can drink energy drinks to help combat cancer fatigue.
Third- and Further-line Therapy in Advanced NSCLC Patients
Although the benefit of first- and second-line treatment over best supportive care alone has been firmly established, the role of further-line treatment remains controversial. . .
How Do You Know the Symptom Are Related to Leukemia?
Do you know leukemia is the number one cancer killer of children under the age of 20, and the most common form of childhood leukemia has an overall survival rate today of 88 percent. But the survival rate for lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, myeloma, leukemia, are all on the increase -- and this is
Abraxane Beats Standard Breast Cancer Treatment
For women with breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, the chemotherapy drug Abraxane works better, and with fewer side effects, than the standard drug treatment, a new study suggests.
Experience of Young Adult Cancer Patients
Find out how blogs are helping young adult patients with cancer to cope and connect.
Immunotherapy in Pediatric Malignancies
Find out what immunotherapies are being tested and glimpse the future of immuno-oncology for childhood cancer.
Nilotinib vs Best Supportive Care With or Without a TKI in GIST
For GIST, how does progression-free survival differ between these two treatment arms?