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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical

Breast Cancer Treatments

Breast cancer is the presence of malignant cancer cells in the breast area of a patient. It is ranked as the second cause of death in females suffering from cancer. There are several treatments available such as surgery; radiation therapy, and systemic therapy.

The Future of Cancer Therapy Is Specific

The future of cancer therapy is looking brighter with a crop of experimental therapies that are far more specific -- so precise the therapies zero in on cancer cells, leaving the normal ones alone.

Easy Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer

The words "breast cancer" strike fear in the hearts of women. Nobody wants to have breast cancer and if there are any changes women can make in their everyday lives that will lower their risk of getting breast cancer, then they should pay close attention to this article. We offer some sugg

Questions and Answers About Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy (also called chemo) is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. This article answers many common questions about chemotherapy.

Breast Cancer Alternative Treatment and Diet

There are many supplements and remedies, if taken regularly and as recommended, that can give you the immune system of a child. Important, is to know them. This list of supplements can increase your c

Birth Size May Up Breast Cancer Risk

Big babies have an increased risk of breast cancer later, according to a new study finding bigger birth size, especially length, boosts breast cancer risk.

All of Us Have Cancer Cells in Our Bodies

What if I told you that each and every one on this earth has Cancer cells in their bodies, but not all of us would actually get cancer? And what if I told you that ...

What is Lung Cancer?

Occasionally, a cellular mutation will occur within the body and rather than maturing and dying as it was intended to do, a cell continues reproducing. This is lung cancer ... the uncontrolled reproduction and growth of abnormal cells in the lungs.

Cancer Research, Why Haven' t They Found A Better Treatment?

Serious cancer research has been carried out since 1971 and yet most of the common cancers like breast, colon, lung and prostate are as resistance to today's treatments as they were 40 to 50 years ago. Learn here why they haven't made progress in finding a better treatment that can lead to

Cigars, Pipes No Safer Than Cigarettes

Cigar and pipe smoking, like cigarettes, harm lung function and increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a study finds.

Tips For Memory Improvement To Energize Your Brain Memory Cells

Having a powerful memory can help you become very successful in almost everything you do. To do this you should be willing to learn powerful memory techniques that can be the key to your memory improvement. Many different health related issues could cause memory loss, for example, stress, anxiety, i

Skin Cancer of the Foot and Ankle - An Epidemic

Skin cancer of the legs, ankles, and feet are some of the most overlooked cancers. They are found in locations where most people consider skin cancers unlikely. Over 90% of skin cancers appear on sun-exposed skin, usually found on the face, neck, ears, forearms, and hands, but an alarming number are

Understanding About Cardiovascular Translational Research

The incidence of death a result of cardiovascular diseases decreased rather extensively in the last several years. This is learned from medical enquiry and updates conducted by professional researchers recently. A portion of the findings included lifespan statistics among those that have heart ailme

5 Common Side Effects of Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer

One of the prostate cancer treatments is through radiation therapy. This kind of treatment can be delivered in two ways, externally and internally. Externally treatment is done in several sessions wherein a high-frequency xray machine is used to kill cancer cells. The internal method or medically kn

Carotid Body Tumours

Carotid body tumours are rare tumours of the carotid receptors which require careful evaluation and surgery for successful management.

Natural Treatment Versus Medical Treatment For Ovarian Cysts

The best way to get the best solution to a problem is when you are able to compare different solutions. There are two different solutions for treating ovarian cyst: the medical and natural methods. This article is about comparing the two methods so that the reader can have a better understanding of

Breast Cancer Stages

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of breast cancer staging including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.