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Children Law : Law & Legal & Attorney
New York State Underage Drinking Laws
Learn New York's underage drinking laws.Alcohol decanters image by MAXFX from Fotolia.comThe legal drinking age is defined as the youngest age at which an individual is allowed to legally purchase alcoholic beverages. In all states in the United States, the legal drinking age is 21 years...
Tennessee Grandparent's Rights for Child Custody
The Tennessee state statutes and Tennessee Supreme Court decisions establish a narrow set of circumstances that permit grandparents in that state the ability to seek custody of their grandchildren.
Father's Child Support Rights in Washington
Washington courts do not force fathers to pay egregious amounts of child support.children with father image by Marzanna Syncerz from Fotolia.comChild support laws in Washington are in place to ensure that children receive an adequate amount of financial support, including food, clothing,...
Child Custody Lawyers California - Where To Look
There are many ways to find good child custody lawyers California.If you have access to a computer, you can also find a lawyer online. There are dozens of websites that contain the name in id vital information for every licensed lawyer.
How to File Contempt Papers for a Custody Order in Pennsylvania
When a couple with children living in Pennsylvania obtains a divorce, a custody order setting forth issues of physical custody, legal custody and visitation is typically entered by a Family Court judge. If a party to a custody order does not follow its terms, another party can enforce the other by i
Child Support Payments
The custodial parent has a very big responsibility, and burden whenever some modification and changed circumstances takes place he/she will be the one to find ways how to cope with the standard of living and expenses of the child until he/she resorted to palliative solutions such as to sell child su
Federal Child Support Evasion Laws
Failure to pay child support can result in a number of negative consequences. Several federal laws are in place designed to ensure that noncustodial parents pay their child support obligations. Failure to pay child support can result in fines, contempt of court charges or even criminal...
10 Steps to Help You Successfully Gain Child Custody
If you are currently going through a divorce, one thing that is probably weighing heavily on your mind is how are you going to gain child custody? Well, I'm sure you already know that ultimately the end result will be determined by a judge's decision.
North Dakota Child Custody Rights
When a marriage ends in divorce or unmarried couples end their relationship, North Dakota, like many states, determines custody awards using the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act. The Act covers the state's right to hear a custody case, the basis of determining custody and enfor
Types of Custody Motions
In family law cases that involve a divorcing couple with children, a motion is filed to determine who gets legal or physical custody. Legal custody grants a parent the right to make decisions for his child, and physical custody is where a child lives. Common types of custody include sole custody, jo
Can a Man Get Custody If He Files for Divorce?
Every state has statutes that direct child custody determination. Typically, states adhere to the "best interest" of the child. There is no guarantee custody will be awarded to the person based on gender, and determinations do not hinge on who actually filed for the divorce.
Conditions for an Emancipated Minor
U.S. laws allow a minor to become emancipated and be free from any parental control, financially or otherwise. In some cases, a minor can be considered emancipated automatically; in others he can require emancipation in a court of justice. Either way, the minor agrees to the responsibilities that e
Does Filing Taxes Jointly Affect Child Support?
Taxpayers who are responsible for paying child support according to their states' laws are subject to the federal Department of the Treasury's intercepts. Tax filing status does not affect a taxpayer's child support obligation. In other words, whether a taxpayer files her taxes jointly, individually
Child Abuse Investigation Training
Child abuse investigators must know up-to-date and relevant investigation strategies so that abusers can be effectively prosecuted. Training on all aspects of investigation, including how to work with victims, assists investigators as they help to prosecute perpetrators.
How to Seal Juvenile Records in Oklahoma
Expunging juvenile records in Oklahoma requires a petition to the District Court where the arrest originally occurred. There are two types of expungements in Oklahoma. One expunges an entire arrest record while the other requires that you plead "not guilty" and the case is then dismissed. A full par
Youth Employment Laws
Agriculture is one industry which has its own provisions with youth workers.Farming in Australia image by PoveyCam from Fotolia.comThe Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 included laws meant to protect child workers. These provisions are also known as child labor laws. These laws...
MA Child Custody Laws
Learn about child custody laws in Massachusetts.Child image by Serenitie from Fotolia.comCustody of minor children is usually the stickiest issue during a divorce or separation. In Massachusetts, when parents cannot agree on a custody arrangement, the courts will make a determination...
Child Custody and Schools
When a family goes through divorce or separation, children often pay the biggest price. In nearly all cases they will continue to live with one parent or the other, but their sense of family and continuity disappears. School-aged children can have their routines disrupted even further if the eventua
Requirements for an Undue Hardship Petition
Proving undue hardship in bankruptcy court is very difficult to accomplish.Jupiterimages/ ImagesAccording to a study by FinAid, "Two-thirds (65.6 percent) of four-year undergraduate students graduated with a Bachelor's degree and some debt in 2007-08." For many graduates,...
Deadbeat Dad Law in Pennsylvania
An order to provide child support is issued by the courts as a means of ensuring the physical, emotional and financial security of a minor child. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has mandated a series of laws relating to the obligation of parents to pay reasonable support toward the care of their mi