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Copyrights : Law & Legal & Attorney

Penalties for Owning Pirated Software in the U.S.

As file-sharing and file-copying becomes easier and easier, the temptation to use illegally acquired software worsens. Software varies in price -- from free shareware to program licenses that cost thousands of dollars -- but the fines for having pirated software can be hefty. In 2006, Burt's Bees ha

How to Word a Copyright Statement

Protecting your original work became easier March 1, 1989, with the passage of the 1988 Berne Convention Implementation Act, according to the U.S. Copyright Office. Although you do not have to include a copyright statement on your work after that date, a copyright notice lets others know that a work

Copyright Laws on Making a Copy of a CD & Giving it Away

Know the law before you start making's image by Dianne Burridge from Fotolia.comJust because your computer has a disk recorder does not mean that you are entitled to copy anything you want. Making a backup copy for yourself may be allowed under copyright law, but only certain...

Determining Business Assets In A Texas Divorce

Getting a divorce in Texas is often a fairly straightforward process. This can change, however, if there is business or family business involved in the case. These types of divorce actions are often the most ...

What Is a Copyright Search?

A copyright search is an attempt to discover whether a work infringes the copyright of any prior-created work. It can be a difficult and strange beast, and one that can lead to problems for the creator.

How to Copyright Your Stuff

When something original is created by a person, a copyright is automatically applied to that creative work. The creator then is the only person with the rights to display, copy or sell the creative work. The creator can also give permission to others to do these things. Copyrightable creative works

How to Protect Your Book Idea From Being Copied

Coming up with a book idea is a blissful accomplishment, whether you are an established or amateur writer. It is common to instinctively want to protect your intellectual idea so other people don't copy your concept. In the United States, you can safely protect literary works by copyrighting them; h

History of Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is an area of law that covers a number of doctrines. Copyright, trademark, patent, trade-secret and right of publicity are all parts of intellectual property law, each with their own focus. Copyright law covers original forms of expression. Trademark law covers words and symbol

Copyright - What Can You Protect?

The legal protection known has copyright has come front and center over the past few years with major legal rulings regarding peer-to-peer networks on the Internet. Copyright protection, however, can be a confusing area of the law. This article details what can and cannot be protected by copyright.

How to Copyright A Music Official Page

Copyright is granted to the author of original creative works and gives the copyright holder exclusive rights to reproduce, promote, distribute, adapt and profit from the work. Websites and pages cannot in and of themselves be granted copyright, but their content can (any music you post, blurbs or b

How to Write a Cease & Desist Letter for Libel

Rumors are being spread about you and everyone at your workplace knows; few situations are more embarrassing than hearing tall tales about yourself from a third party. If those stories are spread via writing, such as in the case of an e-mail, public Internet posting or a letter, and they are meant t

Myths About Copyright

Beware of these myths about copyrighted materials: If it doesn't have a copyright notice, it's not copyrighted.

Copyright Laws on Giveaways

Copyright law protects creators of original works from others distributing, reproducing or performing their work without permission. These laws and protections are found in the Copyright Act of 1976, found in Title 17 of the United States Code. A few laws are applicable to giveaways, and...

The Teach Act - A Safe Harbor for Educational Use of Copyrighted Works

Distance learning has become an increasingly popular means of teaching educational topics to students on-line in undergraduate, graduate and professional development venues. Such distance learning classes strive to match the face-to-face classroom learning experience, which often incorporate display

How do I Copyright Electronic Media?

Copyrighting electronic media is a fairly straightforward process that can be accomplished in one sitting after the media have been completed. Technically speaking, once the media are finalized, a copyright is created, however, the copyright can only be enforced in a court of law if it has been regi

How to Learn About Copyright Laws for Film

While copyright laws for film are the same as copyright laws for any intellectual property, understanding the way those laws are applied to film can be a little trickier than with other forms of intellectual property. While the screenwriter originally owns the copyright to his script, he typically s

How to Copyright a Screenplay

Learn about the best ways to protect your original works against theft.Don't be a victim of the predators that are out there looking to steal your content.

Fair Use Clause of Copyright Law

Copyright owners enjoy the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute their works, or license others to do so. Copying without permission from the copyright owner is infringement. This exclusive right has a number of limitations, however, including the doctrine of fair use. Section 107 of the US Co

Insanity, P90x & Slim In 6 - The High Cost Of Piracy

The urge to buy or download pirated copies of expensive workout products is strong. But read on to discover some very real dangers involved with these activities, and then ask yourself-is it really worth it?

Penalties for Breaking Copyright Law

Know the penalties for breaking copyright law.copyright image by YvesBonnet from Fotolia.comA copyright owner has the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, manipulate and perform her work, and to authorize others to do so. Anyone who is not the copyright owner and takes advantage of...