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Divorce & marriage Law : Law & Legal & Attorney
Canadian Law on Divorce
Some divorce laws in Canada are similar to those in the United States, but it's important for Canadian couples to be aware of each of the laws so that the divorce proceedings will be as painless as possible. Couples who are divorcing in Canada should be aware of the legal grounds for divorce, as wel
How to File Divorce Papers in Wisconsin
Getting a divorce in Wisconsin requires filing papers, making agreements with your spouse regarding child custody---if applicable---and the use of joint personal property, the payment of bills and/or maintenance and a mandatory waiting period of 120 days before a final divorce hearing can be schedul
Choosing the Right Service to Prepare Your Divorce Documents
To save money these days, people are exploring options other than traditional law offices to prepare their divorce documents. This article explores some common options available for preparing divorce documents.
All About a Legal Secretary
Legal secretary skills include fundamental legal procedure, experience with legal terms, law office protocol, as well as state and federal rules encompassing court filing. In this article we take a deeper look at the responsibilities of a legal assistant.
How to Stop a Divorce in Georgia
If you need additional time on your divorce in Georgia, you can request a continuance from the court where your divorce is pending. You must file a motion to continue and participate in a hearing where the judge will review your request, and if it is reasonable, grant you the requested time. If you
How to Record a Separation Agreement in New Jersey
A separation agreement is a contract in writing that details how a couple will handle divorce-related issues, including the distribution of property, finances, and determining child custody arrangements. A legal separation is similar to a divorce, but both parties are not free to remarry. Parties ma
Social Reform & Poverty Alleviation Act
The Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act is the title of legislation passed in the Republic of the Philippines in 1997. The purpose of the legislation is to reduce poverty by redistributing economic resources and creating institutions to implement the Social Reform Agenda. This law established
How to Separate from and Divorce Your Spouse
No one gets married planning to get divorced. Unfortunately, separation and divorce becomes a reality when communication stops between two people. There are many ways emotionally to go about dissolving this union, but how you physically get a divorce is generally the same in every state. If you find
How to Calculate a California Alimony Payment
California has no set calculation method for determining alimony judgments. A judge considers a list of criteria when deciding on an alimony amount. The amount of alimony due falls under California Family Code Section 4320. People in divorce proceedings may be allowed temporary alimony during the c
How Divorce Mediation Can Help You
When you and your spouse are willing to divorce, there is one option to follow, it is called mediation divorce, but it is only possible if both parties are open to dialog and compromise to confer with a mediator. The divorce mediator as a negotiator will seek the benefit for both parties and also fo
Definition of a Teaming Agreement
When small businesses partner with other companies, they can actively seek out opportunities outside their normal reach. Teaming agreements are an effective form of partnership that allow businesses to open up their revenue potential exponentially.
Collaborative Family Law - An Amicable Way For Couples To Separate
Separating from your former partner can be a stressful process, particularly if children and money are involved. A new procedure which may make the process easier is Collaborative Family Law, which is described here.
Social Security Qualifications in Divorce
Even marriages that last 35 years may not be as strong as they seem. Every year, more and more couples over 60 years of age are choosing to divorce. Life is short, and these couples may believe that their quality of life may be better if they do not remain in an unhappy marriage. Often times these d
How to Get a Quick Divorce in Michigan
Making the decision to get a divorce is not an easy one for most couples. Once they make the decision, though, they want it over as quickly as possible. In Michigan, a quick divorce is not easy to come by where the law requires "a cooling off period." If there are no children, the divorce can go thr
What Is an Agreement in Principle?
Negotiating a contract is a challenging and complex task. One must take into account a multitude of factors to successfully negotiate a contract. Oftentimes, a final contract concludes after the parties reach what is known as an agreement in principle. Understanding an agreement in principle is fund
Various Divorce Laws
There are around three states in the United States where separation period is not an issue. However, California is not one such state. The two important issues are the child issue and the finance issue. Whenever, there is a case like divorce then these are the two issues, which are definitely quite
Children in Divorce
One of the forgotten parties of any divorce is the child of the two parents involved. While the parents are often involved in the ugly emotions of an extensive break-up, the feelings of children can be forgotten. It is important that throughout divorce proceedings and after, you always show a great
Divorce Guidelines for Women
Going through a divorce can be difficult legally, financially and emotionally. While the process is difficult for both men and women, women often face additional difficulties coping with the loss of a partner, especially if he was the family's primary earner. Redefined family relationships can be a
4 Guidelines to Follow During Your Divorce Process
Divorce is not an easy process, no matter how much the sides may agree. The most important thing to do is to remain calm and always think things through before making any rash decisions. Here are 4 important guidelines to follow during your divorce process.
Simple Divorce - Know How To Get One
Do you know the best way to get a simple divorce in California? The simplest way is to get one by default. Before I tell you how a default divorce works, let me explain to you what it is. For those of you who already know, you can skip the next paragraph, but for those who do not have a clue about a