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Environmental : Health & Medical

Discovering How To Have Good Ground Reinforcement

An excellent product is now on the market for areas in the UK that are having ground drainage problems. A solution to what previously seemed insurmountable, Drainage and Ground Reinforcement Grids now provide the answer. Equally effective for things such as construction sites, parking areas, private

The Loss to the Nation is Great

A conservative estimate of the area of land formerly cultivated in the United States and now permanently destroyed for farming purposes by erosion is not less than thirteen million acres. But this destroyed area does not represent the worst features of erosion. The slower type of land wastage known

Greener Glass Packaging - For the Consumers of Today

The steep rise in the demand for purer, greener and sustainable products, is becoming stronger than ever. In this context the manufacturers as well as suppliers of glass materials, that is widely installed in the process and manufacturing equipments, have become sensitive towards the need for the sa

Mr Rogers of a Different Kind

This article tells of Dr. Lynn Rogers of Ely, MN, and his work with black bears. He is the first person to radio-collar a black bear freehanded and the first person to see into a hibernating bear den. He has opened the National Bear Center in Ely, MN.

Scrap Aluminum and Plastic Bottle Prices - How to Know How Much They Are Worth

Not many people know but recycling aluminum and plastic bottles is actually a great way to earn some extra money. There are always recycling stations and junk yards which buy your trash for a certain amount of money. They usually recycle your trash and use them to build certain tools and contraption

Badgers and Buzzards - Blame and Game

Misguided government has already created a threat to buzzards which it is now threatening to exacerbate, while poor husbandry has led to the persecution of badgers. What is the real problem and what should we be doing about it?

Plastic Pallets- Are They Better Then Wood Pallets?

Plastic pallets are becoming better known as compared to wooden ones. It is evident since plastic pallet has numerous advantages over wooden, that its use will continue to rise. So, what are these advantages that we hear of? Here is a compilation of some of the prominent ones.

Construction Waste Management Defined

All non-hazardous waste resulting from construction, demolition and land clearing activities are called construction, demolition and land clearing debris (CDL). Waste materials left after construction that can be reused or recycled are wood, window glass, metals, paint, porcelain, cardboard, bricks,

Five Solutions For Dealing With Drought, Water Shortages, and Crop Production

It's about time that governments worldwide were getting wise to the upcoming problems scientists foresee of water shortages and severe droughts in the upcoming decades. Recently the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations met in Stockholm, Sweden to discuss ways to curb water wa

4 Types of Water Filters for Various Types of Homeowner Use

In the field of developing water filters to meet the growing needs of our planet, manufacturers are putting together various new and improving technologies in unique ways that were unheard of 20 years ago. These new filters are more economical to use as well as more effective. The four main types of

Solar Lights Save a Community $75,000

Turtle Rock, a small sub-community in the larger development known as Palmer Ranch, may be the first community in the United States to adopt solar technology for its street lights. Solar street lighting has recently turned up in some far-flung and unlikely places, most notably Tanzania, Dubai, Afgha

Dangerous Volcanoes - What Everybody Should Know

You may not have thought too much about volcanoes in the past but recent eruptions around the world may have lead you to think again. In this article I hope to throw some light on this very hot topic.

The Beginners Guide of Going Green

With the green movement becoming ever so popular, most people don't know exactly what to do or how they can take small steps to make a difference. Here you'll find out that it doesn't take much to have a big impact.

Almir Narayamoga Surui - Extraordinary People Changing the Game

The life of Surui Tribe Chieftain, Almir Narayamoga Surui, has everything that makes for a good story. He grew up seeing people die of sickness due to contact with the outsiders who brought with them tuberculosis, measles, and other epidemic diseases. They had to use their bows and arrows against ot

World Hotels And Environment

World hotels have started responding to the earth's call to preserve environment. Governments are issuing guidelines and making laws for Greener Hotels. The article will take you through the objectives and some of the best practices in creating environment friendly hotels.