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Environmental : Health & Medical
5 Green Fundraising Ideas for Your School
This article list 5 green fundraising ideas that will earn money for your school. If you want to promote a green environment, find out how to raise needed funds and yet, stay "green". Most are free to start and will earn high profits.
Lost To the Long Road To Nowhere Somewhere In the Abyss of Our Highway System
Today, I had an unfortunate situation. Seventeen and a half miles into a hard paced 24-mile bike ride it happened. Pop! Like a gun went off. Yep, the back tire blew out and I quickly decelerated, stopped and dismounted, dammit. I am not near any bike shop, and I have 6 and a half miles from home, th
Helping the Environment
Each of us can make our own contribution to helping the environment by re-examining out own usage of natural resources. Whether it is using electricity, water, or reducing of pollution our actions can help the environment.
Safety Gloves and Chemical Clean Ups - What the Gulf Oil Spill Indicates For Safety Gear Usage
Safety gloves either protect the hand against abrasions and punctures or they protect against chemical spills. As the recent Gulf oil spill has indicated, workers dealing with chemicals need appropriate hand protection.
Tips on Going Green
This article gives some tips on going green.They are designed to help the environment and help you choose the right solar power system for you.
Steam Mops - Economically and Environmentally Sound
I'm not big on having chemicals in my house and when I think of my kids playing around areas that have had chemicals poured on them I just don't like the idea. Where I used to live there was a ton of carpet throughout the house so cleaning floors never brought this issue up for me, but whe
Happy Holidays - Don't Give the Gift of Garbage
Buying stuff for the holidays has to rank near the bottom of things I like doing. I like to view the holidays more like artistic expression, mainly with how I package a gift, and secondarily what I choose.
Construction Disposal the Landfill Threat No One Talks About
Environmental friendly principles have been ignored by the construction and demolition industry which contributes a third of waste that enters are landfills. It is time state laws provided laws governing the industry.
Are You a Green Consumer? - What Shade of Green Are You Today?
Many people claim to be green consumers, but I'd guesstimate that most are only a slight shade of green perhaps mixed with some other color like yellow, black, orange or purple. Why do I make such a bold statement, shouldn't everyone be applauded for their positive actions no matter how li
Waste Electrical And Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) Explained
There's a new twist on the old saying "waste not, want not." The United Kingdom and the European Union (EU) are mandating anti-waste, anti-pollution and environmentally friendly measures in regards to electronics. To avoid a want/lack of business in Europe, its best to understand what
Stromatolites at Hamelin Bay Western Australia
Stromatolites are the oldest living organisms on the planet. Some scientists believe they were the first living things on mother earth. Hamelin Pool gives an indication of what the earth may have looked like 3.5 billion years ago when stromatolites were widespread, although the Shark Bay structures
Climate Change And Disasters
Recently, as can be seen on TV and read on newspapers and magazines, the world is facing a significant turn in its destiny. Global warming has taken its toll and climate change is wiggling its way into the lives of people and affecting them in unimaginable ways. Places that used to enjoy the tropica
The Death of North American Forests
Across the western United States and Canada, our majestic pine forests are being destroyed by a massive infestation of an insect pest, the Mountain Pine Beetle or Bark Beetle. In the largest North American insect infestation in recorded history, millions of acres of evergreens are infected; our fore
Arsenic, Organic Foods, and Brown Rice Syrup
This new study takes a close look at levels of arsenic in rice. How dangerous could even small amounts be for humans if ingested?
Urinary Concentrations of Triclosan in the U.S.
What are the effects of Triclosan, in a representative sample of the general population?
Cadmium Exposure and Neurodevelopment in US Children
What type of an effect does cadmium exposure have on learning and neurodevelopment in children? This new study looks at the potential negative impact.
Effect of Climate Change on Heat- and Cold-Related Mortality
How will temperature-related mortality patterns change in coming years due to climate change?
How Does Biosphere Gasification Technology Creates a Green Planet
Biosphere technology is the best green solutions in resolving waste problems. It is an exemplary procedure of converting waste to useful green energy.
The Armageddon Bug
In Michael Creighton's 1969 best selling thriller, "The Andomeda Strain" a satellite crashes back to Earth carrying with it an extraterrestrial pathogen that threatens all human life. For genetic researchers in Canberra Australia no such dramatic entrance was needed to come face to fa
The "Green" Aspects of Power Factor Correction
Using a power correction device is an excellent way to go green and save money at the same time. A great deal of fuel used for power generation can be eliminated by using such a product.