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Environmental : Health & Medical
9 Reasons Why the Climate Change Debate Fails to Motivate
Those who offer dire climate change warnings are trying to prove themselves right and everyone else wrong. Why even bother? It won't motivate anyone to change his or her behavior. Why not? Let me count the ways.
Bike to Work and Save Our Earth
If we are employees, why don't we begin riding a bicycle when we go to work? The advantages of bicycling to the office are so great.
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and Permeable Paving in Flood Prevention
A summary of current flood prevention strategies in the UK, and considerations for developers to improve drainage on new developments. Solutions to reduce the risk of flooding are outlined.
Green Practices - Earth Day, Every Day
April 22nd 2012 will be the 42nd anniversary of Earth day and hype has people thinking of ways they can protect our environment. 'Green' practices should become part of an everyday lifestyle and not just considered on one day out of an entire year. Earth Day refers to consideration of empl
10 Reasons Why it is Time to Go Green
As homeowners become more aware of its importance and appreciate the practicality of green buildings, property developers, designers and architects are beginning to integrate an increasing number of green elements into their home construction projects. Amid the major advances in technology in home c
Global Warming Fact Or Fiction - Why It Doesn't Matter
Two very practical arguments for why global warming being real or not doesn't really matter. How you can benefit from going green anyway.
How to Evaluate Your Site For Residential Wind Energy Potential
The most important aspect to consider when deciding if a residential wind power system is right for a property is the wind speed and velocity that comes through the area. This information will determine the size, location, and height of your turbine, and the amount of potential energy it can create
Cadmium Exposure and Neurodevelopment in US Children
What type of an effect does cadmium exposure have on learning and neurodevelopment in children? This new study looks at the potential negative impact.
Exposure to Bisphenol A and Triclosan Among Pregnant Women
As potential endocrine disruptors, there are concerns regarding prenatal exposure to the chemicals BPA and triclosan. This study measured the extent of exposure in a cohort of pregnant women.
Proximity to Methyl Bromide Use and Birth Outcomes
Could exposure to methyl bromide be associated with decreased infant birth weight in an agricultural population?
Eco-Conscious - Attitude is the First Step
We have been hearing the term Eco-conscious lately and obviously it is self explanatory. In one of the search engines it threw up over half a million pages with it. Since it is has become popular there is a growing risk that it will be misused and become another marketing success.
Nature - How to Value It?
Environmentalists have assumed that scientific support for their viewpoint would lead to fundamental political change. However some of them are now saying that the underlying environmental problem is one of selfishness, greed and apathy and that we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. Here
The Second Cost of Holiday Gifts
That frantic time we ironically call "the holidays" is nearly here, and it's time to get shopping. For most of us, a big factor when buying is the price tag, the little ticket that tells us how much cash we'll have to hand over if we want to take something home.But just about eve
Beyond the Oil in Water Analyzer: How Water Pollution Affects Us All
Be it solid waste or runoff, pollution affects everyone. Tools like an oil in water analyzer can help lower contamination risk, but how do we know what the cost is for us?
The Looming Water Shortage
Water shortages are happening all over the world and in the United States.Economists predict a massive shortage in 20 to 30 years.No longer will water be taken for granted.
Still Using Plastic Bags?
Think about these issues with plastic shopping bags and make an effort to use them less. Know what harm they cause and how to avoid them.
Steps You Can Take To Help Endangered Wildlife
When you adopt an animal through the WWF, you receive a picture of the animal, a plush toy and a certificate. By displaying them in your home, you can show them to your visitors and educate them about the plight of these animals.
Waste Management Companies - Functions and Services
The elementary law of demand and supply has always influenced the innovations and developments that might take place in the sector of industrial growth. Over the course of time, the consumer behavior and changing trends of production will go a far way in defining the evolution of new concepts and en
Few Facts on Sewage Pollution
Sewage is actually human excreta or in other words it could be defined as the waste from places meant to store human body excreta. Sewage or black water, as it is often called, should under ideal circumstances flow from households or other places into treatment plants. However, callously disposed se
Water Conservation in the Bathroom
As daily pursuits turn toward a more "green" way of living, people are looking for ways to better conserve natural resources. When you consider Americans use nearly four hundred thousand gallons of water a year, it's natural to want to do your part to save it for the future. As the mo