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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical

Are There Natural Remedies For Allergies?

Allergies can be truly bothersome, and in some cases life threatening. At the very least, they put a damper on life in general. You feel awful and you look worse, and you are generally slowed to the point of becoming behind on everything - all because of an allergy. It doesn't matter what type

Seafood Allergies

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of seafood allergies including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

How to Reduce Indoor Allergens

Indoor allergies can be triggered by a number of causes, including dust mites, pet dander, mold and mildew and even cockroaches, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America's (AAFA) website. Symptoms may include itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, skin irritation and lung irritat

Results Of Angioedema In Children!

In this article, I am going to share some exclusive thoughts on Angioedema in children and the reasons that are playing a vital role to affect the skin of the body. Most of the times, it has been reported and analyzed that the children are easily influenced by this health problem and the results are

How To Know If It Is A Sinus Headache?

People often confuse a sinus headache with a migraine or tension headache. As sinus headaches are not very common, people rarely connect their headache with sinuses. However, it is extremely important to diagnose, if what you are suffering from are sinus headaches or normal headaches, caused due to

Folic Acid and Vitamin D Help Allergies and Asthma

Two new studies help to show the power of nutrition to assist allergies and asthma. In one study people with higher levels of folic acid in their blood had had fewer IgE antibodies, fewer reported allergies, less wheezing and lower likelihood of asthma. In another study researchers found that lower

ER Remedies for an Asthma Attack

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), asthma is a long-term chronic respiratory condition in which the lower airway becomes inflamed and narrowed. Barry Brenner, M.D., says that asthma accounts for almost 2 million ER visits each year in the United States.

Allergy Shots Provide Long-Term Hay Fever Defense

People who have severe allergies to grass pollen might gain long-term relief by taking allergy shots instead of depending on large doses of antihistamines during hay fever season.

Allergy TV From WebMD

Learn more about allergies, from causes to treatments and expert opinions with these informative videos from WebMD.

Tomato Allergy Symptoms

Many people have food allergies. Having an allergic reaction to tomatoes is not common, but it is possible and it is a real problem and concern for those who must avoid tomatoes and products containing traces of tomatoes such as seeds, tomato paste on pizzas, and even the leaves and stems. Additiona

Pets May Prevent Allergies in Kids

Despite the long-held belief that cats and dogs in the home could lead to childhood allergies, there's mounting evidence that the opposite may be true: Having pets may actually reduce risk while avoiding these critters doesn't.

Maintenance check after Rainy Season-Quality Air Care

Once the rainy season is over, your responsibility of restoring the same beauty and hygiene of your house increases. You need to have a thorough check of your indoor as well as outdoor environment.

Molybdenum for Allergy Treatment

Although it is needed trace amounts, the essential element molybdenum plays a key role in many functions in the human body. Experts agree that molybdenum is necessary for nitrogen metabolism, proper digestion, normal cell function and enzyme activation. People who are deficient in molybd

Asthma and Me

I have been suffering from Asthma since I was very young. The first real attack that I could remember was when I was only 8 or 9 years old.