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Cold,Fever,Flu,Cough : Health & Medical
How to Choose Over-the-Counter Cold and Flu Meds
How do you choose a cold/flu remedy? WebMD provides tips to fend off symptoms.
Understanding Treatment of the Common Cold
Get tips about treating the common cold from the experts at WebMD.
H1N1 Swine Flu
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of H1N1 including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
10 Things You Must Tell Your Teen
Ten must-have pieces of advice for parents to give their teens – and how to do it so they listen.
Why Do You Need a Tetanus Shot?
Do you need a tetanus shot? What about a combination tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis? Learn more about your options and see which one is right for you.
Are They Flu or Cold Symptoms?
Do you have flu or cold symptoms? Learn more about the two and how to tell the difference.
Common Cold Risk Factors
Similar to other contagious diseases, the common cold has risk factors. Some of these risk factors, like age, cannot be controlled, but most of them can.
Home Remedies for Croupy Cough
Croupy cough is a viral respiratory infection that affects young children, usually under the age of 3. Although it is incurable, its symptoms can be managed using some simple home remedies, and more severe cases can be easily controlled using the help of a doctor.
Bird Flu (Avian Flu)
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of bird flu (avian flu) including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Diagnosis of Influenza
The influenza virus, better known as the flu, affects millions of people each year. According to a website by Roche Laboratories Inc.,, 25 to 50 million cases of the flu are reported in America each year. Of those cases, an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 individuals die of influenza relate
Cold and Flu Research and Studies
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of cold and flu research and studies including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Flu Mist Vs. Flu Shot
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that any person wishing to reduce his or her risk of getting the flu receive the flu vaccine each year. The flu vaccine is available in two delivery methods: a shot given in the arm or a nasal spray. While both aim to prevent the flu, each has
Kid’s Cold Medicines: New Guidelines
Aside from a lack of evidence that cold and cough medicines are effective, over-the-counter drugs may be dangerous for children. WebMD explains which drugs to avoid.
Drug-Resistant Ear Infections Reported
Doctors in Rochester, N.Y., have found a bacterial strain that causes ear infections and resists FDA-approved antibiotics for kids.
Antibiotic Prescribing Rates Vary by Region: Report
It may be contributing to growing problem of drug-resistant bacteria, researcher says
How to Suppress a Cough Before It Spasms
Coughing is a voluntary or involuntary response that allows the airway to remove a foreign object or obstruction, such as phlegm. According to the Mayo Clinic, a persistent cough is triggered by many things, including pneumonia, influenza, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, the common c
How Long Do You Need to Stay Home With the Stomach Flu?
Stomach flu symptoms can last from 24 hours to several days or even a week. So how long do you need to stay home when you are sick? Find out here.
Day "0"
Want to know what H1N1 swine flu is like on a day by day basis? Find out what to expect if you get H1N1 swine flu and what you should do about it. You'll get tips on treatment options, symptoms to watch for and when you need to call your doctor.
How Does the Flu Virus Reproduce?
Influenza is a cunning virus that uses the cells in your respiratory system to reproduce. By using the materials within the cells of your body to make copies of itself, the flu virus can reproduce quickly and efficiently. After copies of the virus burst out of the cell they first infect,...
Flu Epidemic Definition
According to the World Health Organization, an outbreak of disease is considered an epidemic when "more cases of that disease than normal" are reported. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that approximately 5 to 20 percent of the population of the United States contracts