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Cold,Fever,Flu,Cough : Health & Medical

Post-Flu Symptoms

The flu can affect people in different ways. For some, it may last only a week or so, but for others it can stick around much longer and may even cause further complications. Some of these complications may be mild, where others can be life threatening if not taken care of properly. Watch for post-f

New Choices for Seasonal Flu Vaccines

It's fall. The kids are back at school, college football rivalries are in high gear, and -- oh, yeah -- it’s time to get a seasonal flu vaccine.

Dry Irritating Cough Treatment

A dry cough can become a very painful and annoying condition. Not only does it affect your daily output, it can affect others around you and prevent everyone from getting a good night's sleep. There are, however, plenty of home remedies available to you to help subdue the cough.

Flu Treatment

WebMD explains how to treat flu symptoms - including what to take and what to avoid.

Symptoms & Complications of Influenza

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an illness caused by the influenza virus. It affects both mammals and birds. Influenza is very contagious and, depending on the strain, it can kill hundreds of thousands each year. Although there are vaccines for influenza, it does not protect people from all

Sore Throat

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of sore throat, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Has Swine Flu Peaked?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says it’s too early to say that the current H1N1 pandemic has peaked.

Flu Shot Facts

The flu shot is a yearly vaccine given to prevent contracting the influenza virus. The vaccine is usually administered via a needle in the arm. The flu shot vaccinates against three strains of the virus that are most common. The flu shot is seasonal, typically given in the fall and winter because

How to Diagnose Ear Problems

There are numerous kinds of ear problems, the most common being pain, infection and build-up of excessive earwax. Ears are the organs responsible for receiving sounds and processing them so your brain can understand the processed signals, so anything that interferes with the function of your ears ca

Cholesterol Blockage Common Symptoms

Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver and found in animal foods such as dairy products, meat and eggs. Cholesterol helps with the digestion of food, producing hormones and holding cells together, but too much in your blood can blockage, keeping you arteries from carrying blood and ox

Top 10 Questions About Colds

What causes the common cold? Why isn't there a vaccine to prevent it? Can a chill cause a cold? WebMD answers frequently asked questions about the common cold.

Putting Swine Flu in Perspective

Swine flu is big news, but are some people crossing the fine line between reasonable concern and unwarranted alarm?