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Parenting : Health & Medical
Emotional Issues Hurt Children's Health Care
Emotional or behavioral problems may make it more difficult for children to get the health care they need.
How to Pick up Cartoon Songs for Kids
It is very important that you choose proper cartoon songs for kids. They can be instrumental in adding fun in the life of your kid. Popular yet meaningful songs can even shape the character of your ki
Safety First
By creating a safer world we believe to reduce our children's vulnerability. However, we may do more harm than good.
Baby Protection Sheet
With the rise of landfill issues due to the millions of tons of disposable diapers used each year, or problems with waste disposal, alternatives to use reusable material such as cloth diapers and disposable ones with lower environmental impact are being encouraged. Also, issues regarding the toxicit
Manicure Tips For Babies
Trimming baby's nails not just prevents accidental scratches, but also helps train the baby against biting nails. Tiny, unattended fingernails unfortunately cause a host of diseases. This is the main reason why safe baby manicure set has become an important tool for all parents.
Coping With Autism-support For Families
Based on the U.S. Department of Education’s 2002 report to Congress on IDEA the number of students with autism in U.S. schools has increased by 1354% in an eight-year period from 1991-1992 to 2000-2001 (as cited by the Autism Society of America, 2003). This increase is almost fifty times highe
Building Self Confidence in Your Children
Self confidence is a common problem faced by most of people including children. It is not a good idea to let our children grow up without a high self confidence. They will find difficulties in their daily life.
Home Daycare Insurance
Purchasing an insurance plan for a home daycare center is good business sense. Uninsured home daycare centers are at a competitive disadvantage compared to others, as discerning parents will ask about insurance almost invariably in the preliminary interview. The insurance plan covers several areas o
Parenting Tips - Solve Problems Without All the Drama
Many families are not good at solving their problems because they move into drama as soon as one person disagrees with another. Following these steps to solve your family's problems faster, easier - and without all the drama.
Special-Needs Book Authors
Looking for a good book on parenting a child with special needs? Seek out offerings from authors whose books have been reviewed in the Harried Parent's Book Club.
Hot Air Balloon Pattern
Beaded safety pin patterns for Up in the Air, a craft for teens to make for friends or themselves. Hot Air Balloon Pattern
Potty Training Tips and Concerns that Might Indicate the Need for Medical Help
Potty training doesn't happen overnight for most children.You need to be patient, consistent and understanding.Under no circumstances should you force your child or make them feel ashamed of accidents that they have.Consistent bedwetting and accidents could indicate the need for medical interve
How to Discipline When Teens Hit Their Siblings
Unfortunately, sibling rivalry is not restricted to young children; in fact, it often continues well into the teenage years. While a little sibling competition is healthy, when things turn aggressive, or worse, violent, it is time for the parents to step in and take control of the situation. Discipl
5 ways for working moms to earn extra money
I would say that more or less every working mom that I know is looking for ways to make some extra money but where do they start. Are there any methods out there that are legitimate and really do make
Stop Baby Crying
Are you one of a group of less fortunate mothers whose babies do not seem to stop crying?Take hope, you are not alone! There are ways to overcome the problem too.
How to Prepare for a Kid to Visit (Short Term) When You Don't Have Kids
Some helpful hints and tips for non parents on how to prepare for a visit that includes a child. Tips include pet, room and self preparations.
12 Places to Meet Singles Who Share Your Interests
It's not easy to put yourself back out there after a divorce or breakup. Find out where to meet singles who share your interests with these tips:
Proper Health Care for Babies
Babies are blessings. That is why most people become excited when a new baby joins the family. This is not only felt by the parents, but also by the family members around. It is only natural that you'd want to take care of your baby and give the best to them. That is why, it is very important t
Is Adolescence a Myth?
Could all the raging hormones and bad attitudes of adolescence just be a myth. I don't think so and if you have had teens or have them I doubt you think it's a myth. However it is possible that adolescence as we know it didn't exist a few hundred years ago?