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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical

Lifestyle Improvement That Will Help You To Prevent Heartburn

A sufferer of a repeated heartburn may suspect that the problem lies in an unhealthy lifestyle, as usually it is so. There is no point in reaching medications or undergoing surgeries if all you need is imposing a few restrictions on your bad everyday habits, even in case of GERD. To start with, try

Colonoscopy Risks

Colonoscopies are performed to detect intestinal problems. Cancer, bleeding in the bowel, abnormal growths, ulcers and other bowel diseases can be detected with a colonoscopy. During this procedure, a colonoscope, a very flexible tube with a minute television camera on the end, is inserted into your

Why Do People Get Stomach Aches?

ConstipationOne of the most common reasons why a person can experience a stomachache is constipation. Constipation usually occurs for one of two reasons: first, the person has not been drinking enough water, which results in dry difficult stool; second, the person is not getting enough...

How to Set Up a Long-Term Dividend

When bond yields are low and the stock market is looking bearish, it's wise to consider investing in shares that pay a consistent dividend. Dividends are paid to shareholders when a company has a cash surplus that it doesn't need to reinvest for expansion or use to pay down debt. Investing in compan

Heartburn Acid Reflux Symptoms, Tips to Cure Your Heartburn Permanently

When you experience signs of heartburn you will definitely want to know what causes this issue and how to cure it. There are quite a large number of things that causes heartburn ranging from the type of foods you eat to the drinks you consume. Heartburn is often due to the acidity within your abdome


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of appendicitis including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Hepatitis B Management in Clinical Practice

What do the practice guidelines say about who should be treated for hepatitis B, what the best first-line therapies are, and what to do in the case of treatment failure?

What to Take For Gas and Stomach Trouble

Everyone runs into gas and stomach trouble at some point. It's uncomfortable, embarrassing and often comes at an inopportune time. What if you haven't got time for the pain? Luckily, modern medicine knows a lot about this problem and you have an array of choices.

Homeopathic Remedies For Acid Reflux

There are some foods, and other personal lifestyle choices that can help not only treat acid reflux symptoms, but can cure the problem as well. One thing that won't cure it is drugs and medication. These will at best only prove some relief from the symptoms, which, you can get from natural food

Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

How serious is spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, who is at risk for it, how is it best diagnosed, and what can clinicians do to both prevent and treat it?

The Basics of Peptic Ulcers

Get basic information about ulcers -- including causes, types, and treatment -- from the experts at WebMD.