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Hypertension : Health & Medical

About Caffeine & High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure has been linked to caffeine use in some adults. Although caffeine intake can be regulated easily, it can be harder for those who drink it daily.

Blood Pressure Medication Side Effects - Is There an Alternative?

Millions of Americans are on blood pressure medication to control their high blood pressure condition.That medication comes with a cost, both in dollars and in side effects.Do you really want to live the rest of your life taking those daily pills?

High Blood Pressure in Your Later Years

If you are in your older years, trying to fix your high blood pressure is useless; it's too late - right? Wrong! It's never to late make a change towards a healthier lifestyle. If you only have a few years left, why not make them the best years yet? Find out how to naturally help your high

What Are Trenbolone Acetate & Estradiol?

Lots of people strive to look better and feel better, and many work toward those goals by taking supplements. If, for instance, a person is not producing enough natural hormones, the person will likely feel as if he or she has diminished vitality and may seek to replace the hormones artificially.

High Blood Pressure Diagnosis - How Does it Affect the Family?

If someone in your immediate family has recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you should be concerned for them but also for yourself.You probably share many of the same lifestyles that led to the condition of the diagnosed.Learn what those are and do a self assessment to determine your r

How to Bring Down High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension develops when blood circulates or flows through the arteries with increased force. The risk factors for high blood pressure include a high-fat diet, smoking and a family history. If left untreated, hypertension can lead to heart disease. But fortunately, there are

Can You Beat Hypertension With Drugs?

Having been suddenly diagnosed with hypertension without any previous warning signs can be a frightening situation. Once you fully realize that high blood pressure is a condition that you can not ignore for the rest of your life, suddenly your health becomes first priority. Hypertension is the third

End Hypertension With High Blood Pressure Diet

With significant advancement in modern medicine, high blood pressure is now controllable with the help of some medications. But this alone would not prevent the recurrence of hypertension.

Physical Symptoms of Hypertension & Anxiety

According to the American Heart Association 1 in 3 Americans have hypertension. A large number of Americans with hypertension are unaware they have it. Anxiety is a normal human emotion that every person will experience in their life. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental he

Hypertension Pressure Must Be Controlled

Hypertension is a very serious condition. However, many rush to their doctor and take whatever prescription medication he offers as a solution, not taking into account the harmful side effects of most of these drugs. There are many natural remedies for hypertension that are available and very effect

Adrenal Crisis & Prognosis

Adrenal crisis is the result of the body not producing enough hormones such as adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) which regulates bodily function. The condition is very serious and can be life threatening if not treated early.

Hypertension Causes and Risks

Primary (aka essential) hypertension has no known cause, however there are a number of lifestyle factors which do seem to effect the chances of developing hypertension.Risk factors may be related to the environment, genetics and family history, smoking, diet, hormones, how much sodium (salt) you hav

What is High Blood Pressure and How Does it Affect Me?

High blood pressure will not kill anyone! However, the damage done by the high blood pressure to other body organs will and do kill many, many people. It is often called the "silent killer" because there are virtually no signs or symptoms of the health problem, until a serious health issue

How Can I Find a Natural Cure For High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects about one in three American adults according to statistics from the American Heart Association. It is known as a silent disease because almost one-third of those who have it are not aware of the fact. Hypertension can exist for years without symptoms bei

Statins Lower Blood Pressure

A newly released study shows that cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins also help to lower blood pressure.

The Case For Monitoring Your Own Blood Pressure

Heart disease, stroke and heart failure continue to be major killers in western society. One of the early warning signs that you are at risk is high blood pressure or hypertension. Unfortunately it can be difficult to tell if you have high blood pressure.