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Hypertension : Health & Medical
What Is the Drug Namenda?
Namenda is the brand name for the generic drug memantine. It is a type of drug known as an N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor inhibitor. Namenda has side effects, interacts with certain drugs, and comes with cautions and warnings.
What Is the Definition of High Blood Pressure?
According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, one out of every three people suffer from high blood pressure. Blood pressure is defined by the rate at which blood pumps through the arteries, specifically the relationship between the blood your heart pumps into your arteries and your arter
Hypertension - 7 Ways to Reduce Your Blood Pressure
Many people have hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. I myself have mild hypertension. Hopefully I'll never need to go on medication, and there are several ways to lower blood pressure besides medication.
Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure - HBP, Hypertension
Have you noticed that every other person we know or meet either has high blood pressure or showing signs and symptoms of it? Displaying alarming statistics, high blood pressure sometimes referred as HBP and medically termed as hypertension has become so widespread that today it is believed that one
How to Cure High Blood Pressure
When people are diagnosed with hypertension, usually the doctors routine approach is to immediately start a patient on drugs. Most of the time doctors only put patients on drugs without any kind of recommendations for dietary changes.
Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally - 6 Ways To Get Your Blood Pressure To 115/75
What are the ways to lower blood pressure naturally? Actually, there are many. Far too many to list them all here - easily, nature offers hundreds of ways to get our b.p. back to healthy levels again. In this article, I'll share with you 6 great tips, some of many, that will help you do just th
How to Take Blood Pressure on Your Own
There is an easy and quick way to check your blood pressure. If you learn how to take blood pressure on your own, you will see that this knowledge would prove to be very valuable for you during those times when you need to monitor your health.
What is the Best Home Blood Pressure Monitor?
Know more about the best home blood pressure monitor available today. Learn more about their individual features and functions.
Big Swings in Blood Pressure Could Spell Trouble
Wide fluctuations between doctor visits tied to raised odds of heart disease, early death, study says
Remedies For Hypertension
The best way to prevent or control hypertension is to use natural or home remedies. These kind of treatments are effective, practical and impose no harmful side effects. Home remedies are proven to be safe and effective to control hypertension over long period of time.
How Do I Go About The High Blood Pressure Consultation Fees?
No one pays for his health and hence there is no question about the consultation fees, it is the duty of a normal government to see to the welfare of its citizenry.But you need not fear the consultation, you may know you have a high blood pressure by checking it at home yourself. You can do this by
High Blood Pressure-Symptoms
People with primary (essential) high blood pressure usually do not have any symptoms. Most people with high blood pressure feel fine and only find out they have high blood pressure during a routine exam or a doctor visit for another problem.Very severe high blood pressure (160 over 100 or higher), e
How to Reduce Hereditary Hypertension
High blood pressure is never easy to deal with, but it’s even worse when it’s hereditary. Hereditary hypertension can be almost impossible to control on your own. This is especially true if both your parents suffer from high blood pressure. This doesn’t mean you should give up t
Natural Treatments For Hypertension - Take Care of High Blood Pressure Naturally
Taking care of your high blood pressure naturally is a good thing to do. There are no or minimal side effects, when using the natural method. Financially, it is more economical and you don't have to spend your life because you have hypertension.
Tips to Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Did you know that cholesterol and triglycerides equally are responsible for coronary disease risk? "Triglycerides traditionally have been viewed as second-class citizens," said Dr. Michael Miller, director of preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
What Is the Meaning of a Left Atrial Enlargement?
Left Atrial Enlargement (LAE) is also referred to as left atrial hypertrophy. This is a condition in which the left upper chamber of the heart is oversized. In most instances, the condition is caused by a genetic defect.
How to Control Isolated Systolic Hypertension
Based on the findings of cross-sectional surveys published in the January 2003 issue of Journal of Human Hypertension, researchers concluded that although isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) is a common condition among the elderly, individuals are treated less frequently than they are for diastolic
Common Cause of Dizziness May Spell Heart Trouble
Blood pressure that drops when a person stands up may signal a higher risk for heart failure, a new study shows.
Lower Blood Pressure Target Could Save Lives
Risk of heart troubles was lowered by 25 percent, while death risk was reduced 27 percent
Top Ten Tips For Cutting Your Sodium Intake - UK-Based Article
Most people consume far more than the recommended intake of sodium in a given day, and most of this is hidden. Top tips for reducing your sodium intake.