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Military : Law & Legal & Attorney

The Most Awards For One Navy Unit

This article is about one Navy unit getting bronze and silver stars and how one person thinks their service is better then any other service.

Atomic Annie 280-mm Nuclear Projectile Cannon

During WWII, the U.S. Army discovered deficiencies in their weaponry - deficiencies that would have benefited them during the war. One of these deficiencies was a large cannon that could propel a powerful explosive miles behind enemy lines with accuracy. Thus was born the 280-mm Nuclear Cannon named

How to Research Veterans of the Civil War

More than 2.8 million Americans served in the military for either the North or South during the Civil War. There are many places you can go to research the war and its participants, but the place to begin is the National Archives. In addition to general histories of the Civil War, the National Archi

The Martini Henry Rifle That Protected the Soldiers at Rorkes Drift

The Battle of Rorkes Drift is one of the most famous actions during the records in the British Army. On 22 January 1879, just hours soon after the Zulu victory at Isandlwana, nearly 4,000 Zulus assault the mission station at Rorkes Drift just across the Buffalo River in Natal.

Memorial Day - Meaning and Meditation

Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War (it is celebrated near the day of reunification after the Civil War), it was expanded after World War I. However, there are man

Japanese Samurai Training

Over the years the movie industry has popularized the lore of the samurai, and misinterpreted it, too. Samurai custom as a weaponry and martial arts form is much sought after, but it should be realized that to truly master the ways of the samurai, it requires far more than learning weaponry skills,

How Do Guns Get Designed?

Basic Gun MechanismThe basic design of a handgun has been around since the 19th century. A handgun has four primary systems: the frame; the extractor, cylinder and crane; the barrel and sight; and the timing hand, hammer and trigger.The frame system comprises the hand grip, main frame and...

Who Are The Bangladesh Special Services?

The Bangladesh Special Warfare Diving and Salvage is a specially organized team of highly trained individuals who are equipped and trained using many of the same guidelines as the United States Navy Seals. The team is comprised of the very best individuals in the forces who not only are employed in

How to Set Up a Stock Portfolio

A stock portfolio is a listing of the stocks you own in a convenient format for easy access to information. It shows the current value as well as changes in the value over a period of time. You also can create a stock portfolio of stocks you don't yet own, but still want to monitor. If you want to s

World War Two Airfields in the New Forest UK National Park

Some of the World War Two New Forest airfields can still be seen today. I discovered the vital role they played in a successful D Day outcome for the Allies against Hitler during WW2. I've even visited a few and seen World War Two aircraft re enact this time of war on the New Forest UK National

Information on Dalhart Windberg

Dalhart Windberg is one of America's most beloved and respected painters. Since the late-1960./s his paintings have been selling, and selling well. He has created masterpieces of realistic Texan and western landscapes over and over again. Not only has he created beautiful new paintings, but he has p

Kinds of Medieval Castles

The word "castle" conjures up images of knights in shining armor, beautiful princesses, handsome princes, evil wizards and the other romantic elements of myths, legends and fairy tales. In real life, a medieval castle was a fortress where a knight or a king protected his family and peasants from inv

My Local Hero of the Defence of Rorke's Drift

On 22 January 1879, a garrison of British soldiers successfully defended the storehouse and field hospital which had been established at Rorke's Drift against an army of Zulu warriors. This heroic stand has been written about extensively and inspired the epic film 'Zulu!' This is a bi

About Personal Self-Defense Weapons

There are pros and cons to all self-defense weapons. They can protect you, but they can also be dangerous to you and others. Some self-defense weapons are legal; others are not. This legality changes from person to person and place to place. A great deal of research and thought must go into the deci

The Defense Logistic Agency: Navigating Your Way Through the Maze

Navigating your way through the maze that is the defence logistics agency is no easy task. But it can be done! First you need to understand that the defence logistics agency (or DLA for short) is the largest logistics combat support agency operated by the Department of Defense (otherwise known as th

Military Order of the Collar

Since thousands of years man has been known to wear clothes to protect himself from nature and as a sign of modesty. Later on clothes were worn in different styles, pattern, and colours as a fashion statement. Clothes have also been used to show differences in the classes in society. They help in di

About Street Fighting

Street fighting is the type of activity that gets a lot of attention in the media and in pop culture but, in reality, does not happen that often. It's an umbrella term to describe unsanctioned, most likely illegal, competitive fighting on the street or in other public places. Street fighters are usu

The Future Growth and Impact of Geospatial Intelligence on the Defence Sector

Geospatial intelligence has no standard definition. It encompasses many things related to the gathering of information. It is more a milieu of different concepts rather than a single concept itself. Acquiring such knowledge is as simple as putting assets on the ground in the area to be inspected.