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Military : Law & Legal & Attorney
Mig 29 Fulcrum - Soviet Russian Fighter Aircraft
MiG-29 is a 4 TH generation fighter jet aircraft that was designed by the Soviet Union to carryout air supply due to the air superiority it has. MiG-29 Fulcrum also known as Tochka Opori in Russian was built with intentions of becoming the single-seat supersonic.
German Rocketry and the Second World War
Not long ago, I was discussing some issues about air superiority during the Second World War in Europe. Not only did NAZI Germany have superior naval vessels (Bismarck), and U-Boats (submarines), they also had a superior Air Force. The Luftwaffe had incredibly skilled pilots and the best airplanes i
Drone Aircraft - An Innovative Tool for Humanity
Did you know drone aircraft offer one of the best technologies ever to help humanity? Did you know you cannot buy a sophisticated drone aircraft from an American company? Did you know the US Military now uses drones to deploy the primary communications medium in Afghanistan? If you answered 'no
The History of Jaffna
The name Jaffna refers to the northernmost district of Sri Lanka as well as the capital city within that district. The majority of the residents of this densely populated peninsula are ethnic Tamils.
Traditional Korean Colors
Traditionally, Koreans incorporated five cardinal colors into many aspects of daily life and tradition. The cultural integration of color stems from principles of Eastern religions such as Confucianism and Buddhism. The cardinal colors are associated with the five directions and elements. They often
Boating Laws & Regulations
Whether it is sailing on the ocean or taking the family out for a weekend of water-skiing, a wide variety of rules and regulations apply to the recreational boater. While state laws may differ greatly on what is required of boaters, they all generally maintain similar rules regarding registration of
What Is the Role of the Materiel Command for the US Military?
The Army Materiel Command (AMC) has many functions, but the primary responsibility of the organization is to provide necessary materials to troops in combat areas. AMC is a logistic department of the army and ensures that American troops are well equipped and fed while on missions. In addition, the
Tactical Gear for Hydration
Soldiers in hot, arid climates need to be equipped with hydration systems. Here are some of the basic features of tactical gear for hydration.
Uses of the Roman Arch
The Colosseum in Romecolosseum, rome image by maya from Fotolia.comThe arch is considered to be the most important invention in architecture due to its strength, simplicity and economy. The most early known use of the arch was by the Mesopotamians, but the Romans were the first society to...
How to Customize Army Costumes
Soldiers and military personnel are popular characters for dress up and costume events. Customize the uniform to achieve a certain look-authentic, sexy, or Hollywood- with specific accessories and embellishments.
Putting a Perspective on the Iraq Challenge and Sacrifices Made
So often folks wish to condemn the situation in Iraq and immediately point to the number of service men killed in action there. Yet in reality if we put this all into perspective and consider the number of people who have lost their lives fighting for a just cause; we then begin to see a totally dif
'Legend of Samarra' Haunts Iraq Terrorism
An old legend tells of a Baghdad merchant who sent his servant to the market. Soon, the servant returned -- white and trembling -- and said to his master:At the market, the Angel of Death jostled me and gave me the Evil Eye. Please lend me your horse so that I may flee to Samarra where Death will no
Jeep Mounted Trenching Tools
Jeeps are tough vehicles that, while originally used by the U.S. Army, have become commonplace among civilians. You can use Jeeps for off-roading, but you can also use them as work vehicles. In the latter capacity, you can select from a number of tools that mount to a Jeep to help it dig...
One Step Forward For Women In The Unites States Military Forces
Women in the United States have long fought for the right to be included in many facets of society, from the right to vote to breaking into professions like the medical field and other traditionally all-male fields to getting females elected to major government offices. But one of the most intriguin
How to Sell Government Surplus
Surplus goods accumulated by local, state and federal governments need to be sold to the public at a public auction under law. On-site auctions are one of the known ways employed to dispose of government surplus. You need to issue a public notice notifying the public of the date, time and auction it
How Long Did the Pearl Harbor Battle Last?
December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor Day, marks the entry of the USA into World War II. I think the first attack lasted only from dawn on that Sunday until late morning that same day. However, as a matter of fact, we could say that those attacks and that battle continued for the next four years, about 1,5
Violence: How to Respond to It Ethically?
If you wish to think about an ethical response to violence then the Viking invasion of Britain over 1000 years ago is as relevant a period in history as any for consideration. For their story is one of pillage and slaughter, destruction and extortion. The country was devastated. The raiders were cru
How to Become a Pageant Director
Crowns, gowns and runways have always been hypnotizing to the world. When it comes to beauty pageants, those who can no longer compete sometimes decide to run them. Perhaps you have a fascination with pageants and think you have what it takes to become a pageant director. You'll have interaction wit
Assistance For Our Disabled Veterans Part Two - America's Civilian Resources For Veteran Support
Assistance and support for our disabled veterans. This article attempts to provide the names and contact information for many of the non-government / civilian organizations and programs which are available to provide needed services to our disabled veterans. They also represent organizations which n
Castles in Medieval Europe
Although castles were built in many parts of the world during the Middle Ages, medieval Europe is most famous for its castles. While walled fortifications date back to ancient Babylonian times, the age of the iconic medieval castle spanned from about 1000 AD until around 1500 AD. Today they mostly l