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Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney
How to Address Child Poverty
More than twenty thousand children around the world die every day as a direct result of poverty, according to UNICEF. The enormity of the problem of child poverty is certainly daunting, but there are ways you can address it and help make a difference.
Forces Against Women's Suffrage Rights in California in the 1900s
During the 2008 presidential election, it is unlikely that any women in California gave a thought to the battle 93 years before that gave them the right to cast their ballot.
Age of Authoritarian Democracy
Rule of the people means that the people of Pakistan have the right to rule their own country. According to the democratic idea, the people think for themselves and select officials to carry out their wishes.
Will There Be Another World War
This article is merely speculation but there are some evident facts which stand out in favor of another world war.
Cup of Joe with Justice
Even something as simple as the coffee you buy can make a difference in someone else's life thousands of miles away.
6 Tips for Running a Great Political Fundraising Dinner
Political fundraising dinners can and should be a part of your campaign's fundraising mix. Use these 6 tips to run a great political fundraising event, and raise the money you need to win your campaign.
A 60 Second Image Analysis of the Obamas' 60 Minutes Interview
On Sunday, Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes gave an exclusive interview with First-Couple-to-be Barack and Michelle Obama. Barack Obama looked very presidential in a black suit with crisp white shirt and deep red tie. This suit combination works well because it is a flattering and authoritative look for mo
Forestry Grants
Forestry grants support projects that protect forests.Forest image by GabeCorso from Fotolia.comForests in the United States face numerous threats today, including climate change, extinct species and destruction. The National Forest Foundation offers grants to nonprofit and start-up...
John Kerry as a Prosecutor?
Prosecutors with political ambitions are known to modify the truth or withhold evidence in order to get a conviction. It is so common in fact that the greater the political ambitions the greater the unethical ness of their tenure as a prosecutor.
Advances In Medicine Require Advances In Medical Waste Management
This article is about increases in medical waste and improving medical waste disposal.
Ukraine Is an Artificial State
Ukraine is an artificial state, as it does not have its own root of language, culture, religion as well as civilization; rather, along with blood relation, it shares common root in those spheres with Russia. As a result, for its own survival, Ukraine is compelled to maintain enmity with Russia on th
Ben Bernanke On 60 Minutes Should Be A Call To Class Warfare By The Middle Class
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's interview on 60 minutes is proof positive of the necessity for the middle class to peacefully revolt against our form of capitalism. How else can one explain that when banks and major corporations needing a helping hand for their liquidity, our system cre
How to Request Mail Delivery From the Post Office
In today's busy world you're not always home when the postman comes knocking on your door. Meetings, appointments and family obligations cause you to miss important letters and packages that people send, sometimes disrupting vital communications and business ventures. Thankfully the U.S. Postal Serv
2011 Fourth of July Municipal Fireworks - Low Sulfur Emission Year
Did you notice less sulfur smell in the air this year after the Fourth of July? I certainly did in our area, and I think I know why. Severe municipal budget cuts in cities across America, including the cities around here.
Has the UN Become Irrelevant?
The nuclear impasse with Iran will likely prove that the UN is an irrelevant body when it comes to dealing with significant global issues. The permanent five will not be able to agree on measures to take when Iran rejects the call to suspend uranium enrichment activities.
No Penalty for Early Withdrawal
The more gullible of us are expected to believe that disaster will ensue in the wake of troop withdrawal. Insurgents, and civil war, will tear apart the fragile fabric of the infantile Iraqi society.What this really means is that the unpopular puppets and collaborators, whose power in Baghdad derive
Are You Aware Of The Chicago Political Role Of The 21st Ward Alderman?
Are you online looking for information concerning the Alderman races in Chicago? Read more about the 21st ward Alderman's responsibilities here (...)
How to Start a St. Jude Cancer Run
A St. Jude cancer run is an important part of assisting the work and goals of the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Founded by Danny Thomas, the hospital specializes in treatment and research for cancer and other diseases in children. Due to the volunteer efforts of many organizations and indi
Dont Ask Dont Tell Dont Watch Dont Listen Dont Think
I woke up this morning feeling a tad protein deficient, so I grilled up some meat, and washed it down with some of that high test coffee I told you about last week. My wife naturally had something to say about my choice of breakfast grub, but I raised the finger of silence, which insured some peace
We Are Better Than This, Aren't We?
When we look at the problems and challenges of our civilization, sometimes we have to shake our heads... Why did we build such a crappy bridge? Why was that runway never extended? Why were those tracks never repaired?