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Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney

The 1% You Don't Hear About

The "Occupy Wall Street" protests of recent months has placed a lot of attention on income inequality and the reviled top 1% of earners.The protestors loudly proclaim themselves to be a part of the 99%, and profess all sorts of beliefs about what should be done to remedy this perceived inj

Women's Educational Rights in the 20th Century

Education played a large role in the women's rights movement of the 20th century because it was seen as the key to success in gaining political, economic and social equality. Women's groups relied on educating themselves through female-only institutions while continuing to seek admission to male-onl

What Is Considered Business Dress Attire?

Making a good impression in the workplace begins with personal appearance. Although strict dress codes have relaxed in recent years, there are still guidelines to be followed for both men and women.

Republican Dilemma Resolved?

With the entire Republican delegation finally standing firm against the most recent 'bailout' (read 'pork barrel') package one has to wonder if backbone has finally returned to the party of low taxes, smaller government and limited spending.For some this represents no change at a

South America - The Saudi Arabia of Lithium

The good news. The metal that fires up your iPhone and iPod will be the power source for all electric cars including the increasingly popular Toyota Pirus, Telsa Roadster, Nissan Leaf and GM's hybrid Volt. The bad news. It is estimated the demand for lithium will outstrip supply in less than 10

Will Putin Lose Control In Russia?

Russian President to be Putin is not having an easy time taking back the reigns of power in his country. There have been massive demonstrations in Russia protesting the results of the last election. Riots in other countries have also started this way.

How to Display the Idaho State Flag

The Idaho State flag, being a representation of the 43rd state to enter the Union, deserves to be treated with respect and displayed in accordance with state flag protocol. Though it should never be placed in more prominence than a United States flag, it also shouldn't be brushed to the side, minimi

How do I Get a Flag From the National Capitol?

Americans display the United States flag prominently on national holidays and on special occasions. Many businesses and public institutions raise and lower the flag every day. The tradition of flying flags over the national Capitol began in 1937. Today, the Office of the Architect of the Capitol fil

Cultural Differences in Interracial Dating

While there are obvious issues that go hand in hand with interracial dating, those involved in an interracial couple should consider that there are cultural differences that can arise. This may make it more or less difficult to navigate a relationship, depending on the parties involved. Some of the

Two Dangerous Men

It is most appropriate that George W. Bush and John McCain are meeting behind closed doors because that's where the two Bush terms were won. But we must remember not to attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. The good news is, what these two lack in leadership a

Early 2012 Trends Politics - First Quarter

Now then, I don't suppose you need to be a political junkie to realize that the GOP race for 2012 is shaping up very rapidly. And surprisingly enough it is quiet a close race considering the amount of money being spent by the Romney campaign. Of course many of the larger donors who have moved t

How to Fold a U.S. Flag

The United States flag is symbolic of the strength and unity of America. The first American flag was sewn in 1776 by Betsy Ross, according to legend. The U.S. flag is often folded when being transported or when given to the widow, children or parents of a deceased military person. Folding a U.S. fla

The Rise of The State

From creation to about a few thousands of years ago, man developed some civilization and learnt to live in society i.e. groups of people emerged and recognized their relationships to one another and formed clans, tribes, communities, societies, nations and finally, the STATE. This "State"

State Dinner at the White House

There's no denying that I've been openly critical of some of Michelle Obama's wardrobe choices - both before and after she became First Lady. But Tuesday evening, I was in awe. It was the first White House State Dinner since President Obama took office and Michelle definitely rose to

How To Master The Art Of InfluenceWashington Style

This article illustrates a powerful ethical influencing and crisis communication strategy via an example from Washington politics, featuring Rep. Patrick Kennedy, son of Senator Edward Kennedy, and nephew of slain President John F. Kennedy.

Forest Gate, de Menezes and Shock-and-Awe

You may already know this, but there is no harm in hearing it again. This is how Jean Charles was killed: One officer rushed him and pinned him down in his seat on the train, while two others pumped his brain full of seven dumdum bullets at zero range. Textbook gangland-style execution, cold blooded

How to Repeal a City Charter in Tennessee

In 1879, Tennessee revoked the city charter of Memphis because of a mass population decrease from a yellow fever epidemic. City charters are a central governmental action through which state governments give permission for a municipality to exist and enact executive actions over its territory. Howev

One-Night Stand Etiquette

One-night stands, despite being among the most casual of sexual encounters, nonetheless have their own code of etiquette. These rules are designed to allow each partner to enjoy a night of sex safely and without the complexities that attend an emotional relationship. Above all, both partners should