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Insects & Spiders : Pets & Animal

Life Cycle of a Rattlesnake

There are about thirty different species of rattlesnake in the world. Though they are found in both North America and South America, most species of rattlesnake are native to the southwest United States. Rattlesnakes are known for the "rattle" sound they make as they vibrate their tails. This is usu

How to Kill Asian Beetles

Asian lady beetles are originally from Asia, but have since become established through much of the U.S. and Canada. While gardeners appreciate the Asian beetles' ability to control plant pests such as aphids, the beetles can also be undesirable. Large populations of Asian lady beetles can disrupt th

How Does Roach Spray Work?

Most aerosol sprays use a water-based system which keeps the cost of the product down somewhat, but this type of system tends to not be very good at penetrating very deeply into the crevices in the walls in which the cockroaches hide. These types of sprays, while still capable of killing...

How to Find Snakes For Sale

You have always dreamed of owning a pet snake and now you have decided to purchase one. If you have not already set up your snake's habitat you need to do that first. Pet stores usually carry young snakes so they are smaller and easier to handle. They also lean towards the non-aggressive breeds. If

The Habits of Spiders

If you ask most people about spiders, they would likely cringe and mention words such as "creepy" and "gross." After an initial knee-jerk assessment of their feelings towards arachnids, they might then say spiders spin webs and bite. Spiders are one of the most feared and disliked insects in the an

What You Should Know About Florida Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are everywhere, but Florida ranks number two in the nation as home to the most kinds of mosquitoes. Are the dangers that mosquitoes cause real or exaggerated? Read this article to find out information about mosquitoes and Florida.

How to Make a Pincushion Ladybug

A pincushion is a small cushion that is used to store sewing pins or needles. If you are an avid needle worker, owning pincushions is necessary. Creating a ladybug pincushion is a quick and fun way to bring a little character to your pincushion collection.

How to Fly on Epic Mickey

To obtain the film reel needed to complete specific tasks in the Mickey Mouse video game "Epic Mickey," you must fly across caverns and speak with Oswald. The only way to do this is with an airplane that is found on the mountainside. You must follow the lower or higher routes, and dodge obstacles al

About Dermestid Beetles

Dermestid beetles are also known as hide, carrion or skin beetles. They are bugs generally associated with decomposition, and can be found under dead and decomposing animals. They are usually black or dull colored and hairy, and range from 2mm to 12mm in length. Female dermestid beetles tend to be b

5 Tips on How to Raise Bees

Raising bees should be considered as something beneficial to a number of aspects. First, it could be a very good choice for a hobby which can be developed to a profitable small to medium business. Producing quality honey and sell them to a targeted market is something very feasible to accomplish.

How to Identify Spiders Found in Indiana

There are many different types of spiders in the southern regions of the United States, some native to Indiana. Some are poisonous, some are harmless and some eat the insects living around our homes. It's important to know which ones can do you harm.

What Are Little Black Bugs With White Stripes?

Little black bugs with white stripes are carpet beetles. These beetles are pests in warehouses, homes and wherever they can find the proper food. They can cause damage to fabrics and carpets. These beetles find their way into homes and buildings through improperly sealed openings.

How to Get an Excellent Insect Collection

While some people collect shot glasses or stamps, a large group of professional and amateur entomologists collect insects. (Entomologists are scientists who study insects.) Collecting insects involves more attention to detail than simply capturing insects, starving them to death and pinning them in

How to Feed a Ring Neck Snake

Ringneck snakes appear throughout the wild, across the United States. This appearance becomes a bit spotty in the dry regions of the west, as these snakes prefer moist habitats such as woodlands. Ringnecks commonly burrow into soil and decaying leaves and logs to feed on the insects inhabiting these

How to Split Bee Hives

Beekeeping has become a popular hobby, and many people have turned their hobby into a successful business. Part of the way a beekeeper can retain profitability is by splitting beehives. Splitting beehives will increase the number of hives and bees, consequently increasing the amount of honey produce

What Are Types of Bees in the World?

There are three types of bees commonly in a colony. Each other have a different job. Those three types of bees are the most familiar in varieties in bee colony. But you may find any other types of bees in special sorts of bees as well.

How to Draw Lady Bugs

Beautiful but simple, a ladybug is perfect for a beginning artist. Composed of only basic shapes and lines, it allows a novice to create an image with ease. Shading and toning can be used to dress it up, but it isn't necessary. The natural beauty of the ladybug can be drawn by people at all stages o

How to Capture a Mantis Shrimp

Bruce Lee has one of the most feared kicks in all of history. In the animal kingdom, the mantis shrimp has the fastest kick of all animals. Mantis shrimp kick at a speed of 75 feet per second. Their front claws can cut into your fingers. They grow approximately 10 to 12 inches long. They are found a

How to Hold a Tarantula

It is probably best for your tarantula not to be held at all; they require little care and do not need handling. However, if you would like to handle your tarantula, you must be careful. Injury to the spider can quite easily occur, and a spider bite is unpleasant for you. Keep your wits about you be

What Attracts Flies to Rotten Meat?

The lowly fly is annoying and may seem useless and fit only for swatting, but in the natural world it serves a purpose. Though most people are more familiar with the common house fly or gnats and mosquitoes, more than 100,000 species of flies have been identified throughout the world. Not all of the