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Insects & Spiders : Pets & Animal
Carpenter Bee Information
Many homeowners face what can seem like an assault by large bees during the spring and summer months. These are likely to be carpenter bees, a species of bee that lives in wood surfaces, from the eaves of homes to wooden decks. They can cause quite a bit of damage over time, so consider methods of c
Blue Racer Snakes in Kansas
Racer snakes are common in the United States, including the eastern racer which is found east of the Rocky Mountains. The many different species of eastern racer snakes are often identified by color. Eastern racers can be found in Kansas, but the blue color variation that gives this species its name
Information on a Popular Question, Do Fleas Fly?
Many pet owners at one point in their lives unfortunately come in contact with fleas. Some people want to know whether or not fleas fly. We have provided some information about fleas to give everyone a better understanding of what they are and how they exist.
Spiders In Houston
Houston is home to many species of spiders. These arachnids are discernible by their eight legs. Spiders generally eat insects. Many species have poisonous venom, though very few are lethal to humans. The air temperature, dry winters and humid summers of Houston provide ideal living conditions to se
What Are the Three Stages of a Cricket?
The nymph stage is cricket adolescence.speckled bush cricket image by john barber from Fotolia.comThe cricket, that enigmatic insect featured in literature and ancient tradition for over two millenia, is a nocturnal creature known for its loud "singing," or chirping sounds. The cricket is...
How to Rear Spiders
So your new neighbors want to introduce you to their family pet, but "Rover" turns out to be a pet spider instead of a spaniel. No, your new neighbors are not a 1960s sitcom family with vampire parents, wolfman boys or disembodied crawling hands. In fact, your new neighbors are quite normal; they ar
Buy Ant Farms for Sale Online
Children and some grown ups love ants. In fact, some people watch them grow at their homes or offices. Ants are exciting insects and they are many and different. If your child or you love ants, all you require is a farm. Usually, ant farms are made of a clear plastic or glass material. This is to al
What Spiders Jump?
Spiders are often thought of as hovering in a web in the corner of a house, awaiting their unfortunate prey. However, there are many spiders that do not build webs for catching prey--they are known as jumping spiders, or salticidae. There are 4,300 known species of jumping spiders, including the ver
How to Create a Scene Dog
A "scene" style is a popular look among teens and young adults and has many aspects with regards to edgy hair, vintage-inspired clothing and a generally different appearance. While this style is popular with people, you can bring your canine into the "scene" look by dressing him up with a few access
Common Spiders in New Zealand
OverviewGoodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty ImagesNew Zealand is home to a number of different species of spiders. Some species are native to the island, while others are native to Australia and Africa, among other places. The majority of New Zealand's spiders are not poisonous; in fact, only two...
Natural Camouflage Techniques
There are many examples of camouflage in nature. Several species of fish have camouflaging abilities. These camouflaging techniques help protect animals from predators, or it may help them hunt prey. Either way, effective camouflage helps animals stay undetected.
How to Keep Spiders & Bugs Out of Your House
Spiders and insects are resourceful creatures that will look for any way into your home. Insects come inside to seek shelter and food. This is a bigger problem in the summer since many insects enter suspended animation in the winter. Infestation is not necessarily due to a dirty house, but can still
Habitats & Customs of the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Typically 5 feet long and weighing up to 14 pounds, Western Diamondback rattlesnakes -- also known by the scientific name crotalus atrox -- are feared "pit rattlers" in the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico. Although their venom is poisonous, they do not usually seek to attack humans; i
How to Pick Up an Ant
Ants have fascinated humans for a long time. Their colonies and caste system, along with their communication methods, make them interesting creatures to learn from and observe. Ant farms are common in classrooms and bedrooms alike, and collecting your own ants can be part of the adventure. Ants belo
List of Spiders in South Carolina
You can commonly find a variety of different species of spiders in South spider image by Artyom Davidov from Fotolia.comThere are dozens of species of spiders in North America that are common in the state of South Carolina. These spiders are both venomous and harmless....
How to Identify the Sex of a Snake
If you have a pet snake, you may be curious about its sex. Because snakes have internal reproductive organs, telling their gender can be a challenge for an inexperienced handler. Fortunately, there are several methods, both visual and physical, that you can use to determine your snake's sex or that
Common Spiders in Massachusetts
The house spider is one of the most common species of spider in Massachusetts.closeup of a house spider - archnida image by Jeffrey Banke from Fotolia.comSpiders are eight-legged organisms of the order araneae and the class arachnida. They are well known for spinning webs and using venom...
Spiders Of Oklahoma
The many species of spiders found in Oklahoma present a well-rounded spectrum from harmless to extremely venomous. Some Oklahoma spiders have developed unique characteristics, such as location-specific coloration or high population levels.
Large Black Beetles Found in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania has a diverse landscape of urban, suburban and farmland habitats. Within the insect microcosm, black beetles live and feed on leaves and bark of trees, other insects and animal matter. Through metamorphosis, larvae develop into a recognizable adult form with armor-like front wings, larg
What Happens When a Spider Bites a Baby Dog?
Spider bites can be dangerous for dogs, but especially young puppies. Symptoms alone can make your canine uncomfortable, but certain venoms may be fatal just as they are for humans. Some types of bites may even require a visit to your veterinarian. With proper treatment, your puppy will be on his wa