Ice Cream Tycoon Cheats
- Ice Cream Tycoon is a popular gaming title available for the PC. In the game, players operate their own ice cream business and try to advance through the levels until they become an ice cream selling magnate. With unlockable ice cream content and upgradable gear, this strategy game is a entertaining addition to the "tycoon" video game franchise.
- According to, complete the first level easily by choosing five of each ice cream. Find which flavor is the most popular and purchase that flavor. Raise the prices to 50 until your rating increases to 3 percent. Raise the prices to 80 or 90 when your rating hits 7 percent.
- You can increase the amount of money you start the game with by changing the default game settings. According to, "Find the config.ini file in the ICTDATA folder of wherever you installed the game. Change the line - DefaultMoney=1000 - to DefaultMoney=10000. Start game and save it right away. Go back and undo the change or the game will shut down."
- Easily complete the second mission of the game by raising prices and purchasing new ice creams. This will increase your rating and complete the mission. Raise prices to 300 and purchase the the new ice cream you unlocked after completing the first mission. Sell the ice cream easily by switching between the most populated areas.
Easy Mission 1 Completion
Increase Money
Easy Mision 2 Completion