Dragon Levels in "Castle Age"
- You must be between levels 1 and 27 to summon an emerald dragon. These creatures have between 350,000 and 700,000 hit points and 1,000 stamina. Up to 50 people can join together to fight any dragon. Emerald dragons may rarely drop dragon charms, fireballs, the moonfall crown, the staff of the tempest, and a gift dragon or gift phoenix. Epic drops include a crystal rod, rune axe, wolf spirit, tempest shield or dragon talon.
- Frost dragons have 700,000 to 1,860,000 hit points and can be summoned between levels 26 and 52. They have 2,000 stamina. When killed, frost dragons drop dragonbane, greater fireballs, the moonfall crown, an avenger amulet, a gift dragon or a gift phoenix. Their epic drops include the lightbringer, sun blade, wolf spirit, berserker amulet and a dragon scale.
- You can summon Gold Dragons between levels 51 and 78. They have between 1,200,000 and 3,600,00 hit points and 3,500 stamina. These dragons drop dragonbane, elven plate, avenger amulets, holy shields, and greater fireballs. Their epic drops include an air elemental, the sun blade, a wolf spirit, the lionheart blade and a wall of fire.
- Ancient red dragons are the most difficult dragon level and require level 75 or higher to summon. These monsters have at least 2,400,000 hit points and 5,000 stamina. They drop dragon charms, lightning bolts, berserker platemail and holy shields. Their epic drops include the rune axe, sun blade, wolf spirit, moonfall mace and jewel of fire.
Emerald Dragons
Frost Dragons
Gold Dragons
Ancient Red Dragons