Curing Severe Mental Illnesses Through Dream Therapy
The psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung was the only one who managed to discover how the mentally ill can find sound mental health.
This happened because when he discovered the meaning of the dream language, he also discovered the extraordinary power of dreams.
My work proves that all his statements were correct, except his last conclusions.
Jung concluded that the unconscious mind is a good counselor for our conscience, but that we must decide what to do based on our conscience.
I concluded that the unconscious mind has a divine origin after verifying the unconscious sanctity, which Jung couldn't perceive.
I also concluded that the human conscience is ignorant and one-sided because it works based on only one psychological function, and because its attitude is either introverted or extroverted.
This is why I declare that we must obey the divine unconscious mind (which possesses undoubtable wisdom) instead of doing what our ignorant and absurd conscience desires.
I obeyed the unconscious guidance when I was neurotic, and this is why I could prevent schizophrenia.
My obedience to the unconscious guidance helped me learn how to cure the mentally ill without making the mistakes of the professionals of our historical time.
Today's psychiatrists are obliged to transform their patients into vegetables in order to prevent violent reactions.
They don't know what to do.
Dream therapy according to the scientific method discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by me is the only psychotherapeutical method that can surely help any individual recuperate his or her mental stability without becoming a vegetable.
Only the divine unconscious mind knows how to put an end to the absurdity of our anti-conscience (wild conscience), which generates mental illnesses within our conscience.
Therefore, all psychiatrists and psychologists must follow the unconscious guidance instead of trying to cure their patients based on suppositions.
If they will follow the unconscious guidance, they will learn how to cure their patients without killing their personality.
I transformed dream translation into a simple exchange from images into words, clarifying the process of mind development carried on by the unconscious mind in dream messages.
This process helps our human conscience acquire consciousness of the dangerous primitive content we have inherited into the biggest part of our brain.
Then, we learn how to transform this absurd content into positive human content.
The unconscious mind is a very patient doctor who gives numerous explanations to all dreamers.
These explanations gradually eliminate their violent reactions, their fears, and their false impressions.
The unconscious mind must give numerous explanations especially to those who suffer from severe mental illnesses.
These explanations must be repeated many times, in many different ways.
This is why the psychotherapy of severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia and psychosis takes from 5 to 15 years.
However, the mentally ill partially recuperate their human conscience through dream therapy, even if they are not able to completely recuperate their destroyed human conscience.
This means that they are able to find peace and happiness.
The unconscious mind really cures these individuals, giving them life, self-confidence, peace, sound mental health, and wisdom.
Depressed and neurotic patients are cured in a period of time that takes from 2 to 8 months of psychotherapy.
This means that if you are depressed or if you have absurd thoughts, you must urgently follow dream therapy in order to prevent a severe mental illness, which cannot be cured before 5 years of psychotherapy.
There is a big difference between the psychotherapy of individuals who still have a human conscience from the psychotherapy of individuals who already lost their conscience.
The unconscious treatment is simple and fast when a person still has a human conscience.
However, when their anti-conscience completely destroys their human conscience, their recovery is a true miracle.
Schizophrenic and psychotic patients are practically dead without a human conscience.
They have to resurrect after losing their mind.
This resurrection is complicated and difficult.
Since today we know that we have inherited so much absurdity into the biggest part of our brain, we must have a different attitude from the attitude we had in the past.
We must prevent all mental illnesses through dream therapy before becoming victims of our wild side.
This is how we'll finally manage to put a definitive end to craziness and terror on Earth.
This happened because when he discovered the meaning of the dream language, he also discovered the extraordinary power of dreams.
My work proves that all his statements were correct, except his last conclusions.
Jung concluded that the unconscious mind is a good counselor for our conscience, but that we must decide what to do based on our conscience.
I concluded that the unconscious mind has a divine origin after verifying the unconscious sanctity, which Jung couldn't perceive.
I also concluded that the human conscience is ignorant and one-sided because it works based on only one psychological function, and because its attitude is either introverted or extroverted.
This is why I declare that we must obey the divine unconscious mind (which possesses undoubtable wisdom) instead of doing what our ignorant and absurd conscience desires.
I obeyed the unconscious guidance when I was neurotic, and this is why I could prevent schizophrenia.
My obedience to the unconscious guidance helped me learn how to cure the mentally ill without making the mistakes of the professionals of our historical time.
Today's psychiatrists are obliged to transform their patients into vegetables in order to prevent violent reactions.
They don't know what to do.
Dream therapy according to the scientific method discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by me is the only psychotherapeutical method that can surely help any individual recuperate his or her mental stability without becoming a vegetable.
Only the divine unconscious mind knows how to put an end to the absurdity of our anti-conscience (wild conscience), which generates mental illnesses within our conscience.
Therefore, all psychiatrists and psychologists must follow the unconscious guidance instead of trying to cure their patients based on suppositions.
If they will follow the unconscious guidance, they will learn how to cure their patients without killing their personality.
I transformed dream translation into a simple exchange from images into words, clarifying the process of mind development carried on by the unconscious mind in dream messages.
This process helps our human conscience acquire consciousness of the dangerous primitive content we have inherited into the biggest part of our brain.
Then, we learn how to transform this absurd content into positive human content.
The unconscious mind is a very patient doctor who gives numerous explanations to all dreamers.
These explanations gradually eliminate their violent reactions, their fears, and their false impressions.
The unconscious mind must give numerous explanations especially to those who suffer from severe mental illnesses.
These explanations must be repeated many times, in many different ways.
This is why the psychotherapy of severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia and psychosis takes from 5 to 15 years.
However, the mentally ill partially recuperate their human conscience through dream therapy, even if they are not able to completely recuperate their destroyed human conscience.
This means that they are able to find peace and happiness.
The unconscious mind really cures these individuals, giving them life, self-confidence, peace, sound mental health, and wisdom.
Depressed and neurotic patients are cured in a period of time that takes from 2 to 8 months of psychotherapy.
This means that if you are depressed or if you have absurd thoughts, you must urgently follow dream therapy in order to prevent a severe mental illness, which cannot be cured before 5 years of psychotherapy.
There is a big difference between the psychotherapy of individuals who still have a human conscience from the psychotherapy of individuals who already lost their conscience.
The unconscious treatment is simple and fast when a person still has a human conscience.
However, when their anti-conscience completely destroys their human conscience, their recovery is a true miracle.
Schizophrenic and psychotic patients are practically dead without a human conscience.
They have to resurrect after losing their mind.
This resurrection is complicated and difficult.
Since today we know that we have inherited so much absurdity into the biggest part of our brain, we must have a different attitude from the attitude we had in the past.
We must prevent all mental illnesses through dream therapy before becoming victims of our wild side.
This is how we'll finally manage to put a definitive end to craziness and terror on Earth.