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Treat insomnia depression with acupuncture

About acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the oldest treatment methods, incorporated from the ethnic Japan, China and Korea; in which very fine needles are inserted into some parts of the body, known as pressure points, to eliminate or reduce all types of disease and pains from the body. Acupuncture therapy mainly is based on balancing the body's inner strength or Chi or life energy by enhancing the spiritual, emotional and physical harmony. 

Acupuncture practices

Acupuncture centers use a series of fantastic techniques to cure all diseases in the body. The techniques used are like acupuncture therapy with or without needles. For patients who are scared of needles, the advanced needle less acupuncture techniques have proven to be very helpful. These methods include Cupping Therapy, Ultrasonopuncture, Moxibustion, and Soft Laser Therapy, T.E.N.S and Acutron, etc.
  1. Conventional Chinese acupuncture

This is the most common form of acupuncture used, recently, in the United States. Chinese acupuncture used for nose, eye, ear, and throat problems, respiratory problems, circulatory problems, addiction, gastrointestinal disorders, genitor urinary disorders, immune system disorders, emotional and psychological disorders, musculoskeletal and neurological disorders and weight loss.

Japanese style acupuncture

Japanese style acupuncture use thinner and tiny needles with less stimulation in the body and generally work a bit slowly than the other methods.

Korean hand acupuncture

Most of Korean acupuncturists focus on hand therapy; this technique can be used individually or with other manual healing techniques as well.

Auricular acupuncture

Ear acupuncture, also called auricular therapy, is based on the ideology of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Auricular therapy is broadly used for many conditions, including addiction treatment, obesity, pain control, mood disorders, and other conditions.

Insomnia and depression

Insomnia is a disorder which prevents people from getting proper amount of sleep throughout 27/7 span. Anxiety and depression lead to several mental and physical diseases in people, causing problems in living a harmonious and healthy life.

Acupuncture as a treatment for insomnia, depression and anxiety

Acupuncture for poor blood circulation is a helpful method. Normally, poor blood circulation leads to chronic headache, migraine and nausea. In acupuncture therapy needles are inserted on various points of the meridian and thereby reduce all types of illness. With improved blood circulation improved by acupuncture, one is also benefited with sharper cognition, better concentration, enriched sleep, positive and vibrant feelings about life and also develops a healthy appetite. 

Acupuncture is very essential for treating insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Acupuncture reduces energy blocked in the capillaries and veins. This improves the complex signaling to the brain, which results in a relaxed and proper sleep as the smooth flow of energy cures all types of depression and anxiety very quickly.
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