5 Nutrition Changes for Faster Fat Loss
Every day in March, I've committed to sharing a Training and Nutrition "SWITCH" to help you lose fat.
Here are 5 of the most popular nutrition switches I've posted so far: Nutrition SWITCH #1 - No More Dessert for Breakfast If you want to lose fat, stop eating dessert for breakfast.
Let's be honest, most of what people eat for breakfast would qualify as dessert if served at any other time of day.
So stop with sugary cereals, muffins (let's be honest, muffins = cake), store-bought granola bars, and bagels.
Nutrition SWITCH #2 - Switch Your Eating Schedule If you find that you often "binge snack" at night, try having a bigger late afternoon healthy snack, and then having a later healthy dinner.
There's no magic to not eating after a certain time.
I often eat a big healthy dinner and go to sleep within 30 minutes.
It won't make you fat.
Eating a pint of ice cream & bag of chips every night while you watch TV makes you fat.
Nutrition SWITCH #3 - Minimize the Junk Your house doesn't need to be stocked like the local 7-11.
Keep the minimum amount of treats at home to avoid mutiny.
Keep treats out of sight & hard to access.
Make healthy foods (giant bowls of fresh fruit) visible and places encouraging notes to eat the fruit in the kitchen.
Put ready-to-eat produce in most visible part of the fridge & hide junk in the back.
All research proven to increase healthy food consumption.
And when it's your time for a cheat meal, you can enjoy it guilt-free.
Nutrition SWITCH #4 - Go From Processed to Natural When possible, switch out a processed or "altered" carbohydrate and replace it with a fruit, vegetable, or nut.
For example, instead of whole-grain toast with eggs, have an apple and add spinach to the eggs.
Instead of a processed carbohydrate with your morning coffee, have 1oz of raw nuts (almonds or walnuts).
With steak, eat broccoli, not mashed potatoes or French fries.
Nutrition SWITCH #5 - Cut the Sugar From Your Post-Workout Drink If you're focused specifically on fat loss, you do NOT need to add sugar (or any variations of sugar) to your after training drink.
I interviewed top nutritionists about this in 2010, and they all agreed that for fat loss, you don't need to force post-workout sugar into your body.
So take it out.
BONUS Nutrition SWITCH - Become Your Own Nutrition Expert Stop getting fooled by fad diets.
Become an expert yourself by going through a 2-week "intensive nutrition course".
Here's how: Eat a wide variety of food for 2 weeks and record all of your meals.
You'll quickly know the calorie counts of all foods and proper serving sizes AND most importantly, what works for YOU.
Very simple.
Very effective.
Research proven tips to help you eat better.
Here are 5 of the most popular nutrition switches I've posted so far: Nutrition SWITCH #1 - No More Dessert for Breakfast If you want to lose fat, stop eating dessert for breakfast.
Let's be honest, most of what people eat for breakfast would qualify as dessert if served at any other time of day.
So stop with sugary cereals, muffins (let's be honest, muffins = cake), store-bought granola bars, and bagels.
Nutrition SWITCH #2 - Switch Your Eating Schedule If you find that you often "binge snack" at night, try having a bigger late afternoon healthy snack, and then having a later healthy dinner.
There's no magic to not eating after a certain time.
I often eat a big healthy dinner and go to sleep within 30 minutes.
It won't make you fat.
Eating a pint of ice cream & bag of chips every night while you watch TV makes you fat.
Nutrition SWITCH #3 - Minimize the Junk Your house doesn't need to be stocked like the local 7-11.
Keep the minimum amount of treats at home to avoid mutiny.
Keep treats out of sight & hard to access.
Make healthy foods (giant bowls of fresh fruit) visible and places encouraging notes to eat the fruit in the kitchen.
Put ready-to-eat produce in most visible part of the fridge & hide junk in the back.
All research proven to increase healthy food consumption.
And when it's your time for a cheat meal, you can enjoy it guilt-free.
Nutrition SWITCH #4 - Go From Processed to Natural When possible, switch out a processed or "altered" carbohydrate and replace it with a fruit, vegetable, or nut.
For example, instead of whole-grain toast with eggs, have an apple and add spinach to the eggs.
Instead of a processed carbohydrate with your morning coffee, have 1oz of raw nuts (almonds or walnuts).
With steak, eat broccoli, not mashed potatoes or French fries.
Nutrition SWITCH #5 - Cut the Sugar From Your Post-Workout Drink If you're focused specifically on fat loss, you do NOT need to add sugar (or any variations of sugar) to your after training drink.
I interviewed top nutritionists about this in 2010, and they all agreed that for fat loss, you don't need to force post-workout sugar into your body.
So take it out.
BONUS Nutrition SWITCH - Become Your Own Nutrition Expert Stop getting fooled by fad diets.
Become an expert yourself by going through a 2-week "intensive nutrition course".
Here's how: Eat a wide variety of food for 2 weeks and record all of your meals.
You'll quickly know the calorie counts of all foods and proper serving sizes AND most importantly, what works for YOU.
Very simple.
Very effective.
Research proven tips to help you eat better.