How to Troubleshoot the Check Engine Light on a 1989 Honda Accord
- 1). Open the driver's side door and look down along the dash until you see the dead pedal in the left-hand corner of the footwell. Now look up from there. Underneath the dash there is an open access port. This is the OBD connector port.
- 2). Plug the OBD plug into the access port.
- 3). Turn on the OBD scanner and turn on the ignition of your car but don't start the engine.
- 4). Press "Start" on the scan tool. The scanner will retrieve the OBD trouble codes from the computer. When the display reads "OK", the scanner is finished getting the codes.
- 5). Shut off the ignition and unplug the scanner. Press the "menu" button on your scanner and scroll through the options until you can select a "Stored codes" option to see the codes you just retrieved. Reference your Accord's service manual to translate the codes.